Tuesday, July 4, 2017

7/4/17: Don't Give Up On Me!!

I know I haven't posted anything in a few days.  We had a busy run up to the Fourth of July Holiday and I haven't had time to post.  I don't really have much time right now to chat, but I wanted to take a second to say hi.

I also have to confess to falling off the wagon on Sunday.  I spent about 4 hours, between check-ins and other interruptions, baking and rolling cookies.  I did ok for a while, but after a couple of hours of baking several different types of cookies and having them laid out all over the kitchen, particularly after a really long weekend, my resolve melted and ate several cookies.  The good news is that I got back on program by Sunday evening, and I was 100% on program yesterday and so far today.  I didn't let my slide on Sunday afternoon lead me into the addiction abyss.

There is more to talk about, but I need to go water the flowers and herbs.  And do the books.  And change light bulbs.  And bake cookies for afternoon tea.  And...and...and.  You get the idea.

I'll have more time later today or tomorrow to chat a little more.

Have a great day!!!!

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