Saturday, May 4, 2013

5/4/2013: It's Been Awhile

At least you can't accuse me of not giving fair warning.  I know it's been awhile, but as I said in one of my most recent posts, there is just not a lot to write about anymore.  It's all become routine.  My exercise, what I eat, my goal to complete the triathlon in August, it's all just taking care of everyday business.  And as my dad said the other day, "Routine doesn't make very good press, does it?"  So, there hasn't seemed to be much reason to blog and bore you with the day to day of my work-a-day life.  On the other hand, Dad did call the other day, just to make sure I was doing OK, and it made me realize others may be wondering the same thing.  Therefore, I thought I'd write this brief note to let everyone know that all is well.  Well, as well as it can be when it snows on May 2nd and I have to cover my garden and pray that the peppers and tomatoes survive the cold snap.  Snow in May?  No, that part is not OK.  Also, I was going to do my practice tri today; a 1500 meter swim, 24 mile bike ride, and 5 mile run.  It's raining and 36 degrees out right now...yeah...that's not going to happen.  So I will spend an hour on the treadmill at the gym today and postpone the brick until next weekend.  I really thought I was done running on the treadmill, so that sort of bums me out, but aside from the weather, all really is well.

I love being thin, by the way.  Sometimes I will get a pair of pants out of the closet to wear and they will seem so small and I will think there is no way they are going to fit, then I slip them on and they fit perfectly.  I'm still surprised by that.  Yes, it feels good.  Running and swimming is getting easier all the time.  I much prefer running and cycling outside to the treadmill and stationary bike, so now that it is warming up exercise is less of a chore.  My last brick was doable enough that I believe I can add the swim portion and still get it done.  I've shaved a minute of my swim time, by the way.  Last Monday I did my 1500 meters in 34 minutes rather than 35.  I am going to keep working on that.  I am hoping to get to 1500 meters in 30 minutes before August.  I don't know if I can improve that much, but I am going to try.

We went to Utah for five days to celebrate Brianna's graduation.  It was a jam packed 5 days, with a lot going on at work and with all of the kids.  I was waking up early every morning and working remotely, then rushing to get a shower before Jack and I started our day of planned activities with the kids.  The result was NO exercise for several days and I felt very stressed and worn down.  By Monday of this week I started to develop a cold and by Tuesday I felt pretty crappy.  In spite of the cold, I exercised on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, because I didn't get to exercise enough the previous week.  By Thursday I was feeling way too worn down and I knew I needed a break, so I took the day off.  It's amazing how much that helped.  I started to feel like I was on the mend by Thursday evening and I actually felt pretty decent yesterday, which was my birthday!!

It was great to be able to watch Brianna and Kyle graduate.  We are so proud of them and all of our kids.  I kept thinking (and saying), "Wow, six out of six kids have graduated from college, and none of them have any student debt!"  Brianna and Kyle plan to stay in Provo for a year while Kyle applies for PA schools.  Both of their current employers said they can work full time and they have a comfortable place to live, so that makes a lot of sense.  We have our fingers crossed for Kyle that he will be able to get into a good school for the fall of 2014.  It's a competitive field!

My birthday was pretty low key, which was totally fine.  Turning 51 seems a little anticlimactic, after all.  Jack got my car detailed for my birthday, which is awesome!!!  I love getting into my brand-new looking car, now.  No more stains on the upholstery, the windows are spotless, no dust or dirt anywhere...I love it!  We also went to dinner and the movies last night.  We saw 42, a movie worth seeing.  We both agreed that the movie presented a softened and sanitized version of events, but it was a heart warming and inspiring story about a couple of strong and determined men at a pivotal point in US history.  It was a good choice.  Turning 51 hasn't brought about the same epiphanies that 50 brought, but having a birthday does make me reflect a little and helps me stop to celebrate how absolutely wonderful life is.  Yes, it keeps getting better.  I love the 50s!!!  It all seems to be coming together nicely.

Work is going well.  I love my job and the people I am working with.  We seem to have made it through the worst of the crises and now we are plugging away at wrapping up year-end 2012 and planning for the future.  We still have some lean times ahead of us and need to carefully manage everything, but slowly but surely we seem to be working through the critical issues.  I am very happy at Castle Creations.

So, there you go.  Life's life.  Work, marriage and home life, exercise, travel, family...what's there to talk about?

Here's to a great 51!!

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