Sunday, August 25, 2013

8/25/13 - China, Camping, and Triathlon, Oh My!!!

It has been a long, long time since I blogged.  In some respects that is because life had gotten boring.  In other respects it's because life got a little too crazy. 

On the boring side, there were not a lot of new things to talk about with regard to my weight loss and fitness goals.  My weight was holding steady between about 153 - 156 pounds.  I was continuing to train for my triathlon which consisted of running a couple times a week, biking once a week, and swimming once a week.  I was also strength training 2 - 3 times a week.

My food was pretty consistent, day-in and day-out.  I was not eating any wheat, I was trying to consistently eat a significant amount of protein, and I was drinking very little alcohol.  In short, I was doing all of the things that I learned how to do during the 11 months that I was losing weight and those things have helped me maintain my weight since I reached goal in January of this year.

On the too crazy side of things, my spring and summer have been absolutely nuts at work.  I went to China for a week in May, then went back for another three weeks in July.  I spent the month of June preparing for our annual audit, which meant a lot of late nights and weekends.  Beginning from about mid-May until the end of July, I don't think I had a weekend off.  I was also working a lot of late nights and going into work early in the mornings.  The very long days and weekends at work, coupled with the 2 trips (totaling 4 weeks) to China from the end of May until the end of July, made for a very hectic and tiring summer.  I tried to stick to my normal training schedule as much as possible, but there was no way I could train as consistently as I wanted to.  But I kept pushing and I kept swimming, biking, and running through it all.

I got back from my last trip to China at midnight on Thursday, July 25th.  I went to work early the next morning, because I only had one day at home before Jack and I were leaving on vacation to spend a week camping in the Colorado Rockies with our 4 grandchildren, ages 4, 6, 7 and 9.  Tent camping, that is. 

The camping trip with our grandchildren was amazing.  Our daughter-in-law, Rebecca, was lucky enough to have the use of her family's mountain house which was about 30 minutes from our campsite.  Rebecca stayed there with her baby, James, and we kept the other four kids at the campsite with us.  Most days we would hook up with Rebecca and James for part of the day for an event like camping or going to the silver mines, so that was really nice.  One or two afternoons we just hung out in the cabin for a couple of hours so we could take showers and sit back and relax.  But for the majority of the time Jack and I wrangled the kids on our own which gave Rebecca a chance to have a vacation of her own and gave us a chance to bond with our grandkids.  All in all, the trip was a great success, but coming on the heals of my 3 week trip to China, it was completely exhausting.

Alas, there was to be no rest for the wicked because 2 weeks after getting home from Colorado I was participating in the 2013 Jackson County Triathlon.  This was my first triathlon and my sister and I were planning on doing the long course together.  The long course is a 1500 meter swim, a 40 kilometer bike ride and a 5 mile run.  It was the most difficult physical feat of my life. 

Ruth and me at the 2013 Jackson County Tri
During my training I had completed an entire tri of the above distances, but there was one big difference; I was swimming in a pool.  Open water swimming is completely different.  The buoys look so far away!  You cannot touch the bottom of the lake.  You can't see anything because the water is so murky.  It's hard to stay on course.  Unfortunately, I ended up having a panic attack in the water.  I wasn't breathing, I couldn't swim, and I started beating myself up, mentally.  I was very lucky to have my sister with me.  She kept a watch out for me and pushed anyone off that was threatening to swim over me.  She kept an eye on me and whenever my lips started turning blue due to a lack of oxygen she slowed me down and had me swim breast stroke.  There was a moment when I couldn't conceive of finishing the entire distance, but we kept swimming and we made it the entire 1500 meters.  This picture is of me and Ruth before we got in the water.  We look happy, don't we? 

Here's the lake we are about to get into:

Well I look even happier in this next picture, where I am getting out of the water!

Yes, I was very, very glad the swim was done.

And here is Ruth getting out of the water:
It was a piece of cake, for her.  I'm in awe.  She is an incredible athlete.

After the swim comes the bike, and here we are getting ready to mount for the bike ride:
You can see that I am still struggling to breathe and regain my composure after the panic attack in the water.  I didn't finally relax until we were at about mile 3 into the run.  It is surprising how much a panic attack takes out of you.  One of the results was that I couldn't eat on the bike.  I just couldn't force anything into my stomach.

Here we are finishing up the bike ride:

I did OK on the bike ride, in spite of my inability to eat anything; but the run came next and that was hell.  I had nothing left in my gas tank, I was still breathing too shallowly from my panic attack, and my legs were tired.  We jogged more than we walked, but I did walk a portion of the 5 miles.  I had a problem with my thighs cramping pretty badly and I started to get migraine type blind spots in my right field of vision.  They had water stops every mile and I started using Gu once the cramps started.  That helped a lot!!  By about the fourth mile of the five mile run, I actually started to feel slightly normal.  Ruth and I had found a very slow and steady jogging pace that I could maintain, and we settled down and finished the last mile at a jog. 

Here we are crossing the finish line:
It was totally Ruth's idea to let me finish in front of her.  We should have probably crossed the finish line with linked arms.  She was my rock through the entire thing.

So, I finished within regulation time.  It took us 3 hours and 42 minutes which is SLOW, but we finished.  I am very proud of the fact that I pushed through the panic attack and the painful cramps and finished anyway.  I did what I set out to do, I finished my first tri.

Ruth and I are planning on doing it again next year, or perhaps a different tri closer to Ruth's home, but of a similar distance.  This year's goal was to finish.  Next year's goal is to finish with a better time.  Our goal for next year is 3 hours and 15 minutes.  This means I have to train!!

I do need to train and train hard, to reach my goal of 3 hours and 15 minutes a year from now; but I took this last week off, in more ways than one.  After completing the tri a week ago, I spent the rest of Sunday lying on the couch, reading, and watching TV.  I did not want to move a single muscle and I succeeded at that until I got up from the couch and waddled myself to bed.  I woke up Monday morning feeling fine, but I did not feel like exercising, so I didn't.  I already had training sessions scheduled with my trainer for Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, so I kept those appointments and we worked hard all three days.  I did not do any other exercise this past week.  I also ate too much.  I ate whatever I felt like and found more than one opportunity to drink this week.  I kind of decided that for one week, I just was not going to care about what I ate or drank and I was going to "live it up."  It turned out to be a busy week for us, with a ballgame at the K Tuesday night (margaritas, peanuts, ice cream), our first night of league bowling on Wednesday evening (beer and popcorn), another ball game on Friday night (peanuts, only), the grand opening of our friends' winery on Saturday morning ( - and then lunch at a Mexican restaurant in Higginsville), and our friend's 40th birthday party Saturday night (wine, vodka-gingerale, Chipotle tacos, sushi, sashimi, and birthday cake).  It was a very social week.  I exercised no self control when it came to food or alcohol.  I didn't even try.  I didn't even want to try.

What was the result of all of the debauchery?  It was not good, let me tell you.  As I mentioned earlier in this post, I have easily maintained my weight between 152 - 156 pounds for the last 8 months.  A couple of times it swung higher than that, but I would diet for a couple of days and exercise just a little control and it would be back at 154 - 155, easily.  After 1 week of not watching my food...actually after 6 days...what did I weigh this morning?  163 pounds!!!  Even I couldn't believe it.  I weighed myself Monday morning after the tri and I weighed exactly 155.0 pounds.  This morning I weighed 163 pounds.  8 pounds in six days.  Unreal.  Truly crazy.  This, my friends, is why I will exercise 6 days a week and watch what I eat, consistently, for the rest of my life.  It's just too easy to gain weight.  I enjoyed the week.  It actually felt good not to monitor everything I put in my mouth for a week.  But by Friday I knew that Sunday was the day I would get back at it.  I had a lot of fun Saturday, but all day I was looking forward to Sunday, knowing I was going to be back on my program.  After weighing myself this morning, I had a vivid reminder of why I do what I do.

So, here is my new chart.  Check it out!!!
My goal is to get to 140 pounds by the end of the year.  In order to improve my tri time by 27 minutes I will need to improve my strength to weight ratio.  I will be working closely with my trainer to get to 140 without losing muscle mass.  I want it all to come from fat.

This is going to require me to be very conscientious about my protein intake, as well as calories and exercise.  The bottom section of the chart is where I will record my daily exercise.  My goal is 6 hours of exercise a week with a minimum of at least 3 hours of cardio and two hours of strength training, per week.  A normal week will probably be two runs, one bike or swim, and 3 strength training sessions.  I also have a goal to do one fun activity per month, like a long hike.

The middle section of my chart is where I will record my calories and grams of protein consumed, per day.  The top section is for recording my weight.  You can see that I expect to drop the first 8 pounds quicker than the rest.  I really don't think it will take me 4 weeks to drop the 8 pounds I gained over the last 6 days, but I gave myself a little wiggle room.  After that, I tapered off the line a little, because I know this last 15 pounds will be tough.  Tough, but not impossible.  It will get done.  I will weigh 140 pounds by Christmas.  I will have less fat and more muscle.  I will be well on my way to improving my tri time.

I am going to use the tools that I know work for me.  Of course, the chart is a given.  The other tool that was very effective for me while I was losing weight was this blog.  So yes, it's back up!!  At a minimum I will post my morning weight, calories consumed, protein consumed, and exercise from the previous day.  Of course, I will also talk about the day-to-day trials and tribulations of losing this last bit of weight and becoming a better athlete.  My sister has inspired me.  I know I can do this, I just have to work hard.  Since when have I been afraid of hard work???

I will be talking to you soon!! 


  1. Hi!

    WOW! Way to go you and Ruth. Sorry you panicked in the water, that sounds stressful... but you did it! That is so terrific and inspirational.

    I was actually going for an ultimate goal weight of 140 too... not copying you I swear :) Let's both get that done this year! I hope to be doing some athletic events with you and Aunt Ruth at some point, although I have no practice in swimming or biking on a non-stationary bike at the moment...


    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I saw the picture of you with your family on your mom's facebook page and you look great!!! 140 it is!!! It will take a lot of work!!
