Tuesday, August 27, 2013

8/27/13: Back At It: Day 2

It feels GREAT to be Back At It!! 

Yesterday's total calories:  1516 (within goal range)
Yesterday's grams of protein:  79 (21 grams light)
Yesterday's exercise:  4 mile run
Today's exercise:  Strength training - lower body
This morning's weight:  159.8

Yes, I have lost 3.2 pounds since Sunday morning.  That week of silly eating really packed on the water weight, I guess.  I hope to drop the rest of that ridiculous 8 pounds very quickly, as well.  Then I will be into the real job of going from 155, which has been my stable weight for the last 8 months, to 140. 

I am very pleased with my decision to get to 140 pounds and to improve my strength to weight ratio.  Finally I know that my long term goal is to be a very strong athlete.  I am so inspired by my sister, Ruth.  She made that triathlon look easy.  I know with hard work and consistent effort, I can do that, too.  It will take a lot of work, it will not always be comfortable, it will be incredibly challenging, but the only way for me to improve is to challenge myself.  I can't explain my need to feel challenged, but since I have accepted the goal of becoming a strong athlete my mind set during my workouts has changed.  It's not any more fun, per se, but it's more interesting.  I find myself accepting the fact that this is hard in a very matter-of-fact sort of way.  Of course it's hard.  Any athlete that wants to actually compete has to work hard and push themselves beyond what is comfortable. 

I guess that's the long and the short of it.  This is not about being comfortable, it's about excelling.  I want to excel at triathlons.  I have found my sport and I intend to get good at it.  I like that way that feels.

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