Monday, August 26, 2013

8/26/13: Back At It, Day 1

I woke up this morning and went for a 4 mile run.  Then I cooked breakfast which consisted of 3 eggs with sauteed onions, peppers and mushrooms, and a 1/4 of cantaloupe.  The onions, peppers, and cantaloupe were all from my garden.

Last night I cooked several chicken breasts, so I will have those to eat for a couple of days, as well as some frozen homemade soup that I still have in the freezer.  My snack will be Greek yogurt with frozen berries.

My weight this morning was 162 pounds, so I lost one of the eight pounds that I gained last week.  I am still reeling over that.  I can't believe I gained that much weight in that short of a period of time.  I am sure a significant part of it is water and it will come off quickly, but still.  8 pounds??

The run wasn't easy but it wasn't crazy hard either.  I thought a lot about my triathlon and how much I am looking forward to being in much better shape next year, when I do it again.  There is only one way to get there, and that is to get up in the morning and run!!  I am glad to be back "on the program."  It'll be interesting to see how my mindset changes over the next several months.

Starting today I am counting calories and protein and I will try to post each morning, with the previous day's results.

Until tomorrow...


  1. Way to go! You can do it! I missed your blog, now I feel inspired to get back into mine :)

    1. I noticed that you had not posted anything in a while. I hope you do start blogging again soon. Perhaps you already have...I'll have to check!
