Tuesday, September 18, 2012

9/18/2012: Back into the Routine

Week 28 Photo 9/9/2012
Back to the routine!  Yes, I guess it's time.  Here is my week 28 photo.  Unfortunately, we didn't get a photo of me from this past Sunday, so I won't have a week 29 photo. 

I stayed pretty disciplined throughout the rest of our vacation with regard to my calorie consumption.  Here are the last several days calories, on the road:

Thursday:  1532
Friday:  1586
Saturday:  1309
Sunday:  1673
Monday:  1307

I only really exercised one of those last 5 days on the road, which was Friday's strength training.  Other than that, we did some light walking at various points of interest but none of the days were very conducive to spending an hour exercising.

I did lose weight while on vacation, a whole pound plus two-tenths!  The morning we left I weighed 172.4 pounds and this morning I weighed 171.2.  I was hoping to weigh 170.0 this morning so that I would be right on my trend line, but I am OK with the fact that I lost a little instead of staying the same or gaining a little.  I think if I had been able to keep up with the exercise over the last several days I may have seen my 170.0 this morning, but it's all good.  Today I am going to get back in the habit by doing a five mile run, tomorrow will be strength training in the morning before work, and then I will be back on track.

Here is a current photo of my weight loss graph; it's getting harder to get the whole thing in one snapshot!
Progress!!!!  29 weeks and 52.8 pounds later!!


  1. Sounds like an AWESOME trip! You did a great job keeping on track! You look fantastic too! Glad you are home safe!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Lisa! I feel wonderful and happy, though I miss having you for a best friend!!! One of us needs to move!
