Wednesday, September 5, 2012

9/5/2012: 50.6 Pounds Lost, 23.4 Pounds To Go!!

The numbers on my scale this morning were 173.4!!!  I have lost 50.6 pounds since February 27th, 2012!!  Yeah!  What a milestone!  I only have another 23.4 pounds to lose before I begin Phase 2 of my Get Fit Initiative.  I am looking forward to moving out of the weight-loss phase and moving into the get-strong-and-reduce-%-of-body-fat phase.  Not that I haven't been getting stronger and reducing my % of body fat throughout the weight-loss phase, because I have.  I have been exercising every day and sometimes twice a day and I've gotten quite a bit stronger throughout the process, but my primary focus has been on weight loss.  I don't know how things will change, exactly, in Phase 2, but I will no longer be focusing on weight loss.  Instead I will be focusing on increasing my strength and endurance and decreasing my % of body fat to a reasonable and healthy level.  It should be interesting!!!  It's one thing to be able to fit into smaller clothes, it's a whole other thing to be healthy, strong, and - dare I say - athletic.  Yes, I think that is what I am looking forward to, being athletic.  I like the sound of that!!

Yesterday's calories:  1570
This morning's exercise:  24 minutes stair master, level 7 (100 floors), 8 minutes row machine (1500 meters), 20 minutes stationary bike, level 11 (5 miles), 10 minutes abdominal work (planks, sit ups, crunches, leg lifts, etc...)

We leave on vacation tomorrow morning and will be gone for almost two weeks.  I may blog once or twice from my iPad while on the road, but I doubt seriously that I will be blogging regularly again until we get home on the 18th.  My goal will be to lose 3 pounds while on vacation.  When I weigh in on Wednesday, September 19th, my goal is to weigh 171.4 pounds or less; which will keep me on my trend line.  Here's to maintaining my discipline while on the road!!


  1. An olympic distance triathlon is hard. Judy and I did one in Michigan in June. I am still a little tired...

    But, it is a perfect challenge for next summer. There are a lot of olympic distance tris in Illinois and Indiana. We could do one in Missouri if you find one that you like. Most 2013 tris are not yet scheduled, but here is what I have found so far:

    Olympic distance
    1500 M swim, 25 miles bike, 6.2 mile run

    Mid June, Rockford, Illinois

    Early July, Lake Zurich, Illinois

    June 2, 2013, Hammond Indiana

    Second weekend in June
    Muncie, Indiana

    Also, I have always wanted to do the Chesapeake Bay swim. It is a crazy race (4.4 miles across the bay, not counting the extra miles you might swim because of the current). This is from the web page, "Among the difficulties that may be encountered during the average 2 hour 25 minute swim are flailing arms and legs during the "Cuisinart" start,cross currents, swells, chop, hypothermia if the water is cold, nettle stings if the water is warm, and collisions with the bridge supports or rocks surrounding the jetties, islands and causeways"
    Sounds perfect! It would take some serious swim training. Maybe in 2014?


  2. I'll do the bay swim! good job Roberta, Pat and Heather said you looked great last weekend :) sorry I couldn't make it, I heard it was beautiful


    1. I'm sorry you couldn't make it, too! Are you going to do the triathlon with me and your mom next summer? Carla said she wants to do it, too, but she needs to spend a lot of time in the pool to make that happen. She's never done any real swimming.

  3. Yay! 50+ gone! Have a great Vacation!

  4. HORRAY!! Good for you :D I am looking forward to seeing you soon. My projected end-of-weight-loss-phase and beginning of strength phase will be occuring in February... until then, pounds off off off!

    Congrats and good for you,


    1. Elizabeth,
      What is your plan to lose weight? Tell me about it. I am glad you're working on getting healthy!
      I hope to see you sometime soon!

  5. Ok Judy, you and me against the Chesapeake . We need a plan.
    Elizabeth, do you have a chart and a blog?
