Tuesday, September 4, 2012

9/4/2012: Week 28 Begins

This morning's weight:  174.8, for the second day in a row
Yesterday morning's exercise:  5 mile run, took about an hour
Yesterday evening's exercise:  72 laps (1800 meters) freestyle, took about 48 minutes
This morning's exercise:  Strength training with Jeremy

I met with my personal trainer this morning because we are getting ready to leave on vacation on Thursday morning and I wanted to get started on the right foot.  While on vacation I will continue my exercise routine, including cardio at least three times a week and strength training 3 times a week.  I asked Jeremy to help me put together a camp-site strength training routine using some of the dumbbells that I have at home and this is what he came up with:

Repeat this entire set 2 times (Do first set 4 times, then second set 4 times, then go back to the first set and repeat 4 times, and finally, the second set 4 more times.):

---Repeat 4 times:
====16 push ups - doing as many as possible from toes before moving to knees
====16 squat to curls - 15lb dumbbells:  Stand with feet shoulder width apart and a 15lb dumbbell in each hand.  Lower into a squat position, keeping back straight and head up, as if you are going to sit in a chair.  To get good form on a squat, it helps to push your butt back first, before you begin to lower yourself, as if there is a chair there that your rear end is looking for.  Stand up and bend your arms at the elbow, lifting the weights for a bicep curl.
====20 push-up rows - 15lb dumbbells
====12 each lunge to balance - 15lb dumbbells:  With a 15lb dumbbell in each hand, step forward with one foot and lower into a lunge position, step back and balance on one foot before doing the next lunge.

---Repeat 4 times:
====20 leg lifts
====20 elbow ups:  from plank position (on mat with elbows bent and forearms and toes on mat with body straight) move from forearms on mat to hands on mat and push up into a push up position.  Lower back onto forearms.  Alternate which arm goes first.
====20 chair/bench step ups - 15lb dumbbells:  Hold a 15 pound dumbbell, over your head, step up into picnic bench, alternating which leg goes first
====20 supine toe touches - 15lb dumbbells:  While on back with legs straight up in the air, hold 15lb dumbbell and crunch up, touching toes with dumbbell.

It is my goal to maintain my plan throughout my vacation, missing as few workouts as possible.  I hope to weigh approximately 172lbs by the time we get home.


  1. 1800 meters is very impressive, enough for an olympic distance tri. I was thinking we would have to start with a shorter one, but it seems you have done become an athlete!

    1. How'd that happen? I was surprised I could swim that far! My first time back in the pool was rough, but I've quickly improved and that feels really good!! Even if we are waiting until spring or summer for our triathlon, it would help to decide which one we're doing. I'd like to know how far I need to be able to swim, bike and run. When I get back from vacation, let's put together a training program. I know I won't be able to compete on time, but it would be nice to finish in good form!!
