Sunday, July 8, 2012

7/8/2012: Photo - End of Week 19

7/8/2012 Week 19
All is well as far as the weight-loss progress goes.  This morning I weighed 188.2 pounds and I feel solidly in the 180s.  It doesn't seem like that long ago that I was struggling to stay under 200, so I have to say it feels pretty good to know that the 190s are done and over with and that I am probably about 5 weeks away from the 170s.  I find it amazing, when I look at my chart, how steady the weight loss has been.  I know if I keep on doing what I've been doing, I will continue to lose weight and stay on track.

And that is where the challenge lies; sometimes it's hard to imagine maintaining the discipline that I need to maintain for another 20 - 30 weeks.  I don't know why it's hard, because each day, on its own, is not so bad.  It's not like on the days that I am disciplined I go to bed wishing I hadn't exercised or that I had over-eaten.  It's just that, for some reason, there are times when I just feel like being lazy, skipping the workout, and eating whatever I want.  So far, I haven't skipped any workouts, with the exception of a couple of travel days; but I have had days, here or there, that I have overeaten.  I don't feel good on those I can't really say why I wish I could do it more often...yet there is that part of my brain that says, "I wish I didn't have to do this for another 20-some weeks." 

I combated that feeling today by updating my chart and getting ready for my next ten weeks.  It really did help to extend my trend line for the next ten weeks, and get my mini-grid set up.  It reaffirmed my goals and gave me the opportunity to visualize success.  I am looking forward to being in the low 170s when Jack and I go on vacation in mid-September.  So much of this is a mind game.  By spending about an hour updating my chart today, I was able to get my mind more firmly entrenched in the game.

I have one more week left in my second 10 weeks.  It looks very possible that by the end of week 20 I will have lost 37 pounds, which is half-way to my goal; 4 weeks ahead of schedule.  That is very exciting!!!

Until tomorrow's weigh in...

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