Monday, April 8, 2013

4/8/2013: Swim Day

Mondays are swim days, so I hit the pool this morning.  For some reason I never look forward to swimming, but once I am in the pool it's not that bad.  I can swim a couple of laps pretty fast, but after that, slow and steady wins the swim race for me.  Today it took 40 minutes to swim 1500 meters.  That seems like an improvement.  I think when I started it took me 45 minutes to swim 1500 meters, but I don't really remember.  I was doing a lot of different distances, 1000 meters one day, 2000 meters another, and I can't really recall what took how long.  Today I made a point of checking the time when I got in and out of the pool.  My goal will be to improve my speed a little bit each month.

My new chart is up on the wall and I am going to keep the same exercise schedule that I have had for the last 8 weeks.  My weekly exercise goals are:  1500 meters swimming, 80 minutes bike riding, 10 miles running, and 3 hours strength training.  I haven't played racquetball in a few weeks because my elbow still hurts.  I am going to wait for it to heal and then wear a brace when I play.  Now that it is getting nice out, Jack and I will probably go on a couple of long hikes a month, too.  I will probably ride more than 80 minutes a week now that the weather is nice, I tend to stay on my bike for a while once I get on it; but if I have to ride a stationary bike I have trouble staying on it for more than 30 - 40 minutes at a time. 

Today is the Royal's opening day at The K and Jack and I are going.  It will be my first opening day!!  I am looking forward to it; please rain, hold off for the afternoon.  I better head to work early today, since I have to leave at 1:00.

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