Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1/29/2013: Just Another Day

Some days are like that, they are just another day.

I swam 2500 meters this morning, so my swimming is done for the week.  100 laps is a lot.  I feel pretty good for the first 80, up to 90 I feel OK, but the last 10 I really have to push through.  If I can get to where I am swimming 100 laps fairly easily, then the 1500 meter swim for the tri shouldn't wear me out too much.  I'm pretty slow, the 2500 meters took me 65 minutes.  One of these days I will need to take some lessons and learn how to swim a little more efficiently and, I hope, a little more quickly.

I am behind by one 38 minute biking session.  I did lower body strength training yesterday morning and was hoping to get a bike ride in at lunch or after work.  Unfortunately, we had a board meeting I had to prepare for and attend and I did not get home until 9:15, so getting the bike ride in just didn't happen.  All of the bosses are gone for the rest of the week, though, so I can pace myself through my projects that need to get done this week.  I think going to the gym for lunch today and getting in my bike ride is an achievable goal.  I am bringing my gym clothes with me.  Worst case scenario is I can get on the bike after work.

I made an appointment to get my body fat tested at UMKC on Friday.  They use a Bod Pod which they claim to be accurate within 2%.  I just read an article, though, that said it can be very unreliable.  I may keep looking for a hydrostatic testing center in KC, though I haven't been able to find one yet.  It would be nice to know if I am making progress towards my goal of reducing my body fat % over time.

I guess that's it for now.  Today should be a better (shorter) day at work so with any luck I will get home at a reasonable hour.  Perhaps that will help me have a little more energy tomorrow morning.  Getting up at 4:20 is a little rough when I don't get to bed until 10:30 or so.  That's just not enough sleep.  Luckily, that does not happen very often.


  1. Since the tri is 1500 meters, don't swim 2500 without stopping. This is what I do most of the time: 200 EZ warmup, 1000 moderate, 8 x 100 on a hard interval, 6x 75 fly, back, breast. I only swim 1500 without stopping twice per month.

    1. I'd like to go to the pool only once a week. Are you suggesting I do the 2500 meters in one session, but not straight through? As in switch strokes, etc..., or are you suggesting splitting the 2500 meters into two sessions per week?

