Tuesday, January 1, 2013

1/1/2013: New Year, New Goals

Morning Weight:  Too Much - I don't even want to talk about it!  You'll learn why, below.
Today's Exercise: Strength Training with Jeremy Wallen.  I have two or three sessions left with him
Yesterday's Calories: Too Many
Vitamins:  1-A-Day, D, B-Complex, Calcium, Glucosamine

Jack and I went out to dinner last night for our New Year's Eve celebration to the Avenues Bistro in Brookside.  It's a restaurant I like but we don't go there often because it is more expensive than our normal meal out.  It was perfect last night, though.  They had a special 5 course menu with wine pairings, so I broke all of my rules last night.  I ate too much, drank some wine, and totally indulged in the meal.  We had a great time and a wonderful conversation over a long, leisurely meal.  No regrets...except that I don't want to talk about how much I weighed this morning.  I hope it comes off quickly, that's all I have to say about that!!

Here I am on the morning after!!!

January 1, 2013
As you know, my goal is to reach 150lbs by January 28th.  I don't think I'll have any trouble reaching that goal and completing my chart.  But with the new year I was ready to set new goals and make my new chart, even though I have not quite completed my original chart.  So for four more weeks I will be maintaining two charts. 

Here is a picture of my new chart for the first quarter of 2013:

1/1/2013:  Weight and Body Fat % Chart, 1st Quarter 2013
My first goal is to reach 150 lbs by 1/28/13 and then maintain that weight for the rest of the year.  My second goal is to reduce my body fat % to 24% by the end of 2013.  I measured my body fat today using three different methods. The first two used tape measure measurements of my neck, waist, and hips and the the third was with my scale, which measures body fat % by running an electric current through your body.  The first two methods came back with 31% and 32% and my scale read 31.8%.  The scale reading will change rather dramatically depending on the time of day, when I last ate, etc... but since it was between the other two, I decided it was probably accurate enough.  I will measure body fat % on my scale once a week, always on the weekend and always right before lunch.  I figure if I do it at the same time of the day each time I do it, I should get fairly consistent results.  I think Jeremy Walters is planning on doing measurements on Friday, too.  We'll see what he gets with the calipers.  I want to go down approximately 8% points by year end, from 31.8% to 24%, so my goal by March 31st is 30%.

Ruth and I picked our triathlon.  It will be on August 10 in Indiana.  We'll register tomorrow.  I am excited to have the event selected.  I feel like it gives me something specific to train for.

I'm tired now and I need to head to bed.  I hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year's Eve and that 2013 started off well.

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