Thursday, January 3, 2013

1/3/2013: Quick Update

Morning Weight:  154.0 - OK, I'm a little frustrated with myself, now.  Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda...was it worth it?
This Morning's Exercise: None, Day Off
Yesterday Evening's Exercise:  Bowling
Yesterday's Calories: 1604
Vitamins:  1-A-Day, D, B-Complex, Calcium, Glucosamine

Just a quick update to keep myself honest.  Yes, I ate and drank too much on New Year's eve and now instead of being 2.2 pounds from goal I am 4 pounds from goal.  It is frustrating that it is 3 days later and I am still seeing the repercussions of my indulgence on the scale.  We leave for China on the 14th.  I want to reach goal by then.  I have some work to do.  I really am hoping that tomorrow I will be back to my NYE morning weight of 152.2.


  1. Dude, chill. If your base weight is 150, you will fluctuate 5 pounds up and down anyway. So consider yourself within the margin of error already!
    One day of debauchery means nothing in the medium run and less than that in the long run.
