Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2/5/2013: Crazy Week

I didn't get home from work until about 9:30 last night and I am headed to work early this morning.  I did not get my swim in, yet.  I am hoping to get home early enough this evening to swim before going to bed.

I need to get a project wrapped up before leaving for Utah at 2:00n tomorrow.  It is beginning to look like I am going to have to make some compromises.  The historical bookkeeping is kind of a mess.  Ugh.  This does not make me happy.

I'll figure something out today, I just don't have any idea what time I will be home.  I appreciate Jack picking up the slack at home when I work too much.  On the plus side, when I get this project done our China company should be much easier to manage, freeing me up to focus more on our company here in Olathe.

I weighed 153.2 this morning.  Better...


  1. There are times when my schedule, which is not as demanding as yours, forces me to take days off, sometimes two or three in a row. You will be exercising for the next 50 years. Don't sweat it if you have some light exercise weeks.

    1. Thanks! As I get more comfortable with being an athlete and knowing that exercise is part of my life forever, I become more comfortable with resting when I need to rest. I am completely confident that missing a day or two won't derail me. Exercising regularly is part of my discipline now, just like getting enough sleep, going to work, and brushing my teeth. Knowing that makes it easier to not freak out if I miss a day here and there. Though I still don't like it (and by it I mean missing days, not the exercise itself!).
