Tuesday, April 19, 2016

4/19/2016: A Little Bewildered, but Soldiering On

Weight:  164

I have no idea why I gained weight yesterday.  Usually, when I do everything "right," I either stay the same or lose a little.  I know, I know, they say don't weigh every day because weight fluctuates, and I know that is true, but I also know that when I follow the rules, I can pretty much predict what the scale will say the next day.  The most significant unknown right now is the weight lifting.  I am seriously lifting weights three days a week and it is true that muscle gain happens faster than weight loss.  Perhaps that is it.  I ran last night (Yes!! I got my evening run in).  Maybe running at night causes water weight gain?  I don't know.  I ate a late-ish dinner.  I cooked the salmon last night and it was not ready to eat until after 6:00.  Considering the fact that I go to bed before 9:00, I really don't like to eat that late.  Everything else was situation normal.  I ate three meals.  I had a mid-morning snack of a few nuts and an apple.  Everything I ate was on program.  I feel great!  I am solidly on program, the exercise is making me feel much better, and my pants stopped getting tighter.  It's all good.

Breakfast today was my standard fare.  Yes, breakfast around here is boring.  I eat pretty much the same thing every morning.  Every few days I saute a big pan of veggies:

Onion, Broccoli, bell peppers, summer squash and zucchini
I eat about a half plateful of these veggies with three eggs scrambled in clarified butter and a bowl of fresh fruit.  Here is my typical weekday morning breakfast:
Add a tall glass of ice water and some black coffee, and we're off to the races!!

I mix it up a little on weekend mornings, but I'm content to cover the basics and keep it easy on work days.

I worked out with Lauren this morning.  It was a tough one!
I'm getting stronger, quickly, everywhere but my core.  It is obvious that my surgery was on my abdominal muscles because core exercises used to be the easiest part of my workout and it is now the toughest.  It'll come back, and according to my surgeon, I'll have a stronger core than ever.

I'm running late, the clock strikes 7:00.

Have a great day!!

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