Tuesday, April 26, 2016

4/26/16: Sometimes Blogging is Tedious

Weight:  161.8

It's Tuesday, nothing remarkable happened yesterday, I doubt that anything remarkable will happen today, and tomorrow the highlight of my day will be getting my stitches removed.  I am not complaining, not even a little bit.  I need these short stretches of unremarkable days in order to rest and regenerate, so I don't mind having a few days in a row where the answer to the question, "How are you, today?" is, "Oh, about the same as yesterday."  Kind of like the weather in New Delhi in April.  The problem is, what the hell am I going to write in my blog?  I have no desire to bore anybody that may actually be reading this to tears.  Yet, this is my twelve week challenge and blogging does help me stay the course, so I am putting up a post even though I don't have anything very interesting to say.

I miss exercise.  I am hoping that when I go in tomorrow to have the stitches removed that I will be told that it is OK to play kickball on Sunday and resume full exercise next Wednesday.  I hope to have Lauren back for our next personal training session on  Saturday, May 7th.  I am a little afraid that I am going to hear that I need to ease back into things and that it will be a while before I can run, lift weights, etc.  I will do what the doctor advises, but my hope is that the surgery was minor enough that I will be released to full activity a week from tomorrow.  I am a little anxious about this.

My diet is fine.  I stopped at the market on the way home and got the avocado oil so I could make mayo for the chicken salad, which I made last night.  It turned out really good.  Unfortunately, I shouldn't really know that.  The fact that I know it turned out really good is proof that I ate a little of it after I made it.  My goal is to eat nothing after I get home from work, since I am eating dinner before I leave work.  I didn't eat a lot of it, just a few bites, but more than I needed to eat to make sure it had enough salt & pepper.  It was hard to resist bites 2 and 3.  Oh, and the mayo was really good.  Yes, I licked the rubber spatula.  Yeah, I didn't need to do that.  Cooking in the evening, after work and after my final meal for the day, is probably not a great plan.  It's hard not to nibble when I'm in the kitchen playing with food.  I need to do a better job on my shopping list so I can avoid this scenario in the future.  It works so much better to get all of my cooking done on Sunday mornings.  It lowers my exposure to unplanned snacking opportunities.

My recent digestive issues have left me with no doubt that I am lactose intolerant.  The gut pain from Sunday is not yet a distant memory and today, after about 2 weeks of no dairy, all systems are finally normal.  I know I won't be on program every day for the rest of my life, but I need to seriously consider not ever having dairy again, or at least limiting my exposure to it to very small quantities.  When we were in NH with Carla, we had a fun filled evening of games, wine and cheese.  That, my friends, was a bad idea.  I need to remember what that felt like.

We may be in for some severe storms this evening.  I need to check the weather channel and then head to work.  Stay safe out there!!

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