Sunday, August 12, 2012

August 11, 2012: Day 10 of 30

8/11/2012: Day 10 of 30
Morning weight: 180.4
Today's calorie count: 1293
Morning exercise: None - Weekend Routine - exercised in the late afternoon  
Evening exercise: 68 minute jog (about 4.9 miles) 
  • Set my target heart rate for 75% - 85% of max which is 126bpm - 143bpm. 
  • 6 minutes were below target range,
  • 42 minutes were in target range, and
  • 20 minutes were above target range. 
  • Almost all of the below target range were during my warm-up which is a brisk walk.  At one point my heart rate got up to a surprisingly high 176.  I was going up a grade, but nothing crazy.  I didn't feel like I was working that hard and I didn't feel light headed or anything, but I did notice that my toes were going to sleep.  I've had that problem before when running or cycling long distances, my toes would get numb.  Now I guess I know why, I'm getting close to my max heart rate and I am working at my body's upper capacity.  I slowed down after that and paid a little more attention to my heart rate.  I tried to keep in in the 140s for the rest of my run.
Alcohol consumption: None
Younger Next Year pages read: 26
Notes from book: (Quotes and very near quotes are in italics)
This next 26 pages was not nearly as interesting as previous chapters in the book.  Chris talks about some of the other joys of aging and precautions and steps he advises taking.  The chapters were not exercise related.  He had the following advice:
  • Do everything you can not to fall into the habit of "Old Crones' Disease."  In other words, try not to get grouchy and negative.  Optimism and happiness are a lot more attractive and lead to a longer, happier, and more fulfilling life.
  • If you need a hearing aid as you get older, get one.  They are not magic, they take some getting used to, but they do help.
  • Your voice may start cracking as you get older.  Keep your sense of humor and laugh it off.
  • Slow down, look both ways, repeat.  Take the time to make sure the coast is clear when backing out of the driveway.  As you get older, your reflexes really do get a little slower.  Hard to admit, but it makes sense to adjust accordingly.
  • Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Wear nice clothes - and shoes.  You're working hard on your body, don't skimp on the clothes.  
  • Sort of contradictory to the previous bullet, but here goes anyway:  Take care of your finances.  Plan now for what life looks like at 70, 80, and 90.  Spending less money today will go a long way tomorrow.
  • Beware of the diet industry.  When it comes to losing weight, only one thing counts and that is calories.  Calories do count.  If you need to lose weight, start by counting calories.  I track my calories with my iPhone using the My Fitness Pal app.  I love it, it's easy.  Even Jack started using it, and he was more resistant to the idea of counting calories that most people.  You really don't have a clue how many calories you are eating until you start counting them.  Chris cautions you not to lie to yourself.  You're the only one you're hurting if you do.  If I consistently eat under 1500 calories a day I consistently lose about 1.8 pounds a week.  Find that number that works for you.

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