Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 27th, 2012: Day 26 of 30

8/27/2012: Day 26 of 30

Morning weight: 175.8.  I can't remember the last time I weighed less than 176 pounds.  It's been a while.  I think it must have been when the kids were little, somewhere around 1993-1994.  I had actually lost a lot of weight right around then.  But somewhere in the mid-90s I did the ol' gain-it-all-back-plus-some trick and I don't think I've gotten below the mid 170s since then.

My Get Fit Initiative feels very, very different than anything I've ever done before.  I think part of the reason for that is because my goal is so long-term.  I have a relatively short weight loss goal - get to 150 pounds by February 4, 2013 (It looks like I will be about 8 weeks ahead of schedule!), but my true goal is to be as healthy as I can be when I am 60, 70, 80, 90 and beyond.  When I go to the gym in the mornings or go for a swim in the evenings I don't think about the calories I am burning/weight I am losing, I think about making my body (and brain) stronger, fitter, and younger.  I am thinking way beyond how I will feel at 150 pounds, I am thinking about how I will feel on February 27, 2014, after I have been exercising every day for 2 whole years.  When I re-read "Younger Next Year" I was reminded of the fact that this is not a quick fix.  I was reminded that it will take about 2 years of exercising an hour a day six days a week before I will be as fit as I am going to get.  I find that incredibly exciting.  I am only about 1/4 of the way to being really fit.  I feel so much better already that I can't help but look forward to how good I am going to feel in another year or two.  This isn't about being thin, this is about being healthy.  This is about feeling good for the rest of my life.  This is about living large until I'm not living anymore.  I've dieted before, and I've lost weight before.  But I have never made this commitment to my future before.  It feels completely different.  I give a lot of the credit for my change in mind set to "Younger Next Year."  Every day I have a choice to make, decay a little or grow a little.  Honestly, I think about that every single day...probably several times a day.  When I get right down to it, it's almost impossible to say to myself, "Hey, I want to start decaying.  I don't think I'll exercise today so I can let the cycle of decay start all over again."  Yeah...I don't think so.  That just doesn't sound like such a smart thing to do.  An hour of exercise a day seems like a small investment to make for a sound body and mind, today, tomorrow, next year, and in the decades to come. 
Today's calorie count: 1619
Morning exercise:  Strength training - see Friday August 24th 

Evening exercise:  30 minute (2 mile) brisk walk with Jack

Alcohol consumption: None
Twenty-seven days ago I left my sister a voice mail and told her how worried I was about the transition to my new job and the emotions I knew I would be experiencing with regard to Steven getting married.  I have had a tendency to eat myself through transitions and always (I was going to say almost always, but, in fact, I believe it is always) gain weight when I switch jobs, move, etc...  Then when I am settled into the new job or home, I start focusing on my health again and lose most of the weight that I gained through the transition.  There was no way I could let that happen this time.  As I said above, this time is different.  This is for life...not for looks. 

Hours after receiving my voicemail and before I even had a chance to talk to her, Ruth had posted a 30 day plan on my blog.  My first thought, beyond being impressed with my sister's immediate response to my plea for help, was, "Well, I was talking about the next year when I was talking about 'this transition,' I'm not sure a 30 day plan is going to cut it."  Then, after giving it just a little thought I realized a 30 day plan was just fine.  What the heck, if I can cut this next year into manageable 30 day chunks, I can get through this without taking a hit to my Get Fit Initiative.  It took me all of about 5 minutes from the moment I first read the 30 Day plan to decide to embrace the 30 Day plan, in its entirety, without alteration.  Today I am beginning day 27 of that plan, and it has helped me tremendously.  The extra discipline that the plan provided has made a big difference over this past 4 weeks.  It has been what I have fallen back on, when I just wanted to stay in bed or sit on the couch.  In a way, the plan is my crutch.  "Oh, I can't slack off today, there's the plan.  I have to stick to my plan!"  I have a few days left on the 30 day plan, then I will need a new one for September.  I've ordered some new books and I hope they will be here before we leave for Oregon on Friday.  The next one that I am going to read is Aging Well.  I look forward to sharing what I learn from that book with all of you.

I'm looking forward to September and the cooler weather.  I am really looking forward to our vacation!!  But before all of that I am looking forward to seeing Steven, Elizabeth, and my new granddaughter, Ellia, this weekend.  There is a lot going on!!!  I just gotta stick to the plan and everything will be just fine.


  1. Congrats on breaking the 176 lb-mark! And thanks for remembering that "a while" is two words. You have inspired me - after I read the book you and RB turned me on to, I made two weeks of cycling and Sunrise Yoga, and now that I'm back from vacay I haven't missed a class at the gym at work. My arms are so sore after the lunch class today I think I can't raise them to the keyboard anymore so I'll stop here....
    ;) Andrea

    1. Congratulations Andrea! I think that's awesome! I'm happy that I was able to inspire you. Keep up the great work. I am glad I got "a while" right! Sometimes I cringe when I go back and re-read a post that I did not proof-read well. Sometimes I'm in such a hurry to get the post up and get to work they are full of silly typos. Like to instead of too...I know better, but in my hurry I make silly mistakes! Usually I go back later and correct them.

  2. You have chosen to grow a little every day. No one else is doing the work. A plan is a good part of a system, but you are doing all of the work. You should feel confident in your ability to keep it up. Maybe from September to December we train for a Florida triathlon...

    1. I know I am doing it...having very specific rules to follow does help, though.

      I'm willing to commit to and train for a Florida triathlon. Do you have one in mind?
