Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August 14, 2012: Day 13 of 30

8/14/2012: Day 13 of 30
Morning weight: 177.8
Today's calorie count: 1608
Morning exercise: None - day off
Evening exercise: 45 minute brisk walk with Jack (about 3 miles - forgot to wear heart monitor)
Alcohol consumption: None
Younger Next Year pages read: 22
Notes from book: (Quotes and very near quotes are in italics) - will catch up later...running late today.

I'll catch you up on my Younger Next Year reading this evening when I have a little time.  Yesterday we had a meeting at work that ran until 7:45 so I was not home until 8:15.  Because of the late hour, our 4 mile walk became a three mile walk, but we got it in and kept up a very brisk pace.  I'm usually in bed by 9:15, so I needed to get home, take a quick shower, and cool down a little before hitting the sack.

I am very pleasantly surprised that each day brings a little more weight loss.  I am so used to losing a couple of pounds and then flattening out again, that I keep half expecting to see a little bump in my weight or at least a flattening out.  But as I told Jack, I am going to celebrate each day for the gift that it is.  Yesterday morning I was practically dancing around the breakfast table because I was so tickled to weigh 177.8.  This morning, (8/15/12) when I got on the scale I weighed 177.4!  It appears as if the 30 day plan has kicked my body into high gear and it's just burning away. 

The last few days at work are going to be looooonnnnngggggg.  I know I still owe you more on the job transition, and that will probably come this weekend.  I have the weekend, Monday, and Tuesday before I start the new job, so I will have a lot of time to blog and get all caught up.  But, for now, I just have to make it through these last three days at work.  I don't have much to do, which is the biggest problem.  It's good in that my team functions so well that they really don't need me for their day-to-day functions.  There won't be any hiccup at all when I leave when it comes to "getting the job done."  I do know that they'll miss my leadership and I worry about who will be there to fight the corporate fights for them.  I have to believe that my boss will pick up that mantle, as is primary, if not sole, responsibility is business banking.  I wish them all the very best!!

I have to sign off now, water my garden, and get ready for my third to last day as a banker.  More later!!


  1. The thing that is working is you! You got home late and still squeezed in an evening walk so you could get to bed early so you could get up early to work out. It is not the plan, it is you doing the plan. Big difference. Anyone can have a plan...

    1. Thanks Ruth! That feels good! The plan is a good one, though. The exercise in the evening keeps me from being lazy and stewing about. The reading inspires me. Writing about the reading inspires me to try to inspire others, which really helps me internalize the message. Suggesting I read Younger Next Year and blog about it was a brilliant idea. It has engaged the mental me along with the physical me.

      This morning's workout was actually pretty rough. Every lift was difficult. I just focused on keeping my attitude positive and tried to think about the good things that were happening inside my body. It was still hard, but it wasn't impossible and I got my whole work out it.

      Everyday. For the rest of my life.
