Tuesday, March 26, 2013

3/26/2013: Feeling a Little Burnt Out

My sister said there would be days like this!  Yep, I'm feeling a little burnt out right now.  I have been forcing myself to go to the gym for about a week now, hoping that this feeling will go away; but it has been persistent and I have now decided it is time to take a two day break.

I had a good work out this morning, in spite of the fact that I could barely drag my butt out of bed.  I do strength training with Joshua on Tuesday mornings, so it was very helpful knowing there was someone at the gym waiting to meet me at 5:00am this morning.  The work out was tough, but I got it done.  It felt good to work hard this morning.  Now I have decided to take tomorrow off and Thursday is my normal day off, so that will be two days off in a row.  Friday is a holiday at work, for Good Friday - what a shock, I had no idea it was a holiday until people began talking about it at work yesterday, so I will get to sleep in a little on Friday, too.  It may actually be warm enough to get outside for a bit.  I wonder if this snow will melt between now and then...I kind out doubt it.  It was 21 degrees this morning, it's pretty frozen out there.  Maybe by Saturday the snow will be gone and the sidewalks will be passable again.

I think it will do me good to have a couple days off from exercise.  I'm ready for a break. 

I rescheduled my trip to Colorado for Monday and Tuesday next week.  Monday morning I will meet with a vendor, so that will be a work day, but I will have 5 days away from the office, so that will be nice.  I'll spend Monday evening and Tuesday morning with Carla and Christian and head home Tuesday evening.  No skiing, but that's OK.  Jack and I are going to plan on a ski vacation next year.  That will be fun!!  I am already looking forward to it.

I weighed 150.0 pounds this morning.  That felt good.  150.0 is now going to be my baseline, rather than 153.  It was kind of interesting this morning to get on the scale and weigh 150.0 pounds and not feel a need to celebrate.  I just sort of nodded and said to myself, "That's good."  The first time I got to 150.0 it was such a stretch goal that I had to celebrate, immediately.  Of course that meant food and that meant gaining a couple of pounds, and that meant establishing a baseline closer to 153 than 150.  It took me two months to settle back down and get serious enough about my diet to lose those 3 pounds again.  Oh, the mind games we play with ourselves.

The key to getting back on track with my food was reading "Thinner This Year" and "Wheat Belly."  Those books provided me with the reasons I needed to stop eating crap food, including wheat.  About 3 weeks ago I eliminated snacking on anything that was not a nutritionally sound food.  About 1.5 weeks ago I stopped eating wheat.  I replaced those crappy snacks with veggies, hummus, nuts, plain Greek yogurt & mixed berries, and fruit.  I go to work with all of my food for the day packed in a grocery sack and I don't get hungry and I am not having cravings for sweets.  Since them, those extra few pounds have gradually slipped off, without counting calories or adding any additional exercise.  It's made a big difference.   If you are having trouble making good food choices, I recommend reading both of those books.  The more informed I am the better choices I make.  It might work for you, too!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you need two days off in a row. Rest.
