Monday, March 25, 2013

3/25/2013: I Need Spring!

I know I'm not the only one out there complaining about the weather, but man, I'm done with this snow and frigid weather.  I desperately want to run and bike outdoors.  I am sick of the treadmill and the stationary bike.  I'm over it already.  I feel my enthusiasm for exercise waning with each day that it is too icy, cold, and miserable to be outdoors.  My sister up in Michigan is probably thinking, "Quit your whining, already," as she is probably looking at another month of winter up there; but last year at this time I was planting my tomatoes.  This year all I can plant in my yard is a snowman!!  I know it well end soon and I just need to strong-arm my way through another week or two of cardio workouts indoors, but I am so ready for this snow to be gone for good!!

I weighed 150.2 pounds this morning when I woke up.  Just for fun, I weighed myself after my swim and I weighed 149.8 pounds!!  That's the first time I have seen a number on a scale start with 14something in decades.  It's not quite official, I don't mark my chart with my after exercise weight, but it was still fun to see the number flash up on the scale.  Tomorrow, maybe?  Perhaps I will be able to put an official mark on my chart below my 150 pound line.  I am looking forward to 150 being my new average weight that I fluctuate around, rather than 153.  That feels better to me.

I read an amazing article about a couple that collectively lost 500 pounds over 2 years.  She started out at a size 28 and is now a size 0!  All diet and exercise.  He had been studying for awhile about what it took to lose weight and on their first anniversary he told her that he was tired of being big.  So together, they went for it.  He designed the exercise routines, she cooked the meals.  They started out only being able to walk for 30 minutes a day on the treadmill, but they did that 6 days a week.  She just finished her first half marathon.  How inspiring!!  They look like completely different people.  They are so young, too.  It makes me happy to see people, even complete strangers, makes such drastic changes in their lives.  The rest of their lives will be so much better because they figured out how to lose the weight and start exercising every day while they were young.  I hope they inspire others as well.  Here is the link to their article:

Couple loses 500 pounds in 2 years

I was in a bad mood most of the day yesterday, mostly because my trip to Colorado was busted by the snow.  I was looking forward to spending time with Carla and meeting Christian, but I was also looking forward to skiing for a day.  I have not been skiing for 30 years, not since I was in college, and I was really looking forward to it.  I was very curious about whether or not I would remember how to ski.  If Carla is in Vail next winter, I am definitely going to make sure I go out and ski while she is there.  This winter was rough, with my job being new and having so many things to do, but next year should be much more doable.  I didn't realize how much I really wanted to ski again until I thought I was going to get to do it, and then it got nabbed away from me at the last minute.  Next winter, I'm going skiing!!

In spite of my less than stellar mood, Jack and I had a decent day, yesterday.  We shoveled the driveway, we went bowling, and I got our meals cooked for the week.  On the not so good side, though, I got a cramp in my foot, between the pad of my toes and the arch.  It hurt!!  It finally went away after massage, stretching and heat.  I hope that doesn't happen often.  Ruth mentioned she got foot cramps about a week after she gave up wheat, too.  Is the cramp related to the change in my diet?  Perhaps.  I imagine my blood chemistry is changing as my body adjusts to a wheat-free diet.  I am hoping that cramp was an isolated incident or, at the very least, that foot cramps are a short lived thing as my body transitions to its wheat-free status.

KU won!!  The first half of that game was torture, but Self and his team always seem to know how to adjust at half time.  I was glad they were only down by 9 at the half, because I knew they had potential to recover from that.  Williams was a good coach, but he was never good at adjusting to what was happening on the court.  He built strong teams with a deep bench, a lot of speed, and a lot of endurance.  But his teams played a certain kind of game.  Self seems much more adaptable.  He seems to be able to read an opponent in the first half and come back in the second half with their number down.  It doesn't always work.  Sometimes the hole is too deep, hence the three losses this season, but it worked yesterday.  Against North Carolina.  That brightened my mood a bit!!

It'll be a busy week at work, so I better run.  Have a great day.

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