Wednesday, March 6, 2013

3/6/2013: Let's just say I've had better days...

Yes, it is true.  I've had better days.  Sometimes it all just piles up and all I want to do is crawl under the covers and wait for it to all be over, but that is not an option.  Between work being super difficult right now and being worried about Steven, I just seem to be having trouble staying positive and upbeat.  I've eaten more in the evenings than normal, which has led me to being at 155 for a couple days in a row.  I need to mark my chart tomorrow morning, so that is motivation to super careful about drinking water and evening eating today.  Thank goodness I still have my chart.

Actually, thank goodness I still have several things.  In spite of feeling really down for this last week, there are enough aspects of my daily life that are working well to keep me sane.  I am exercising every day and keeping track of my exercise on my log.  That brings me a sense of satisfaction and I feel the tangible benefit in my body and mood.  I cooked on Sunday so I have homemade meals for my lunches and Jack has something to eat for dinner.  Jack loves me and supports me, no matter what.  Our home is a safe haven, the value of which is indescribable.  I am coaching Julie and now supporting Carla in their own Get Fit Initiatives.  They keep me inspired and on my game and helping them achieve success brings me great joy.  I have started making our bed every morning and putting away all of my clothes every day instead of letting them pile up all week.  This is a new "keystone habit" I am trying develop after reading 'The Power of Habit.'  I can't tell you how much my messy bedroom would start to bother me by the end of the week and after reading that book I realized this is one habit I can change today that will likely trigger an avalanche of other habits.  It's already started, in fact.  This morning I noticed that I didn't walk past some little things that I would normally walk right past.  Well, I did walk past them the first time, but then I turned around and took care of them.  It took two seconds.  They are really little things (like shutting a door to a room we don't use to save on heat) but they are things I would have walked past 10 times, before today.  I've got my sister who called to chat the other day, to remind me of all of the things I needed to be reminded of, and many other loving and supportive people in my life.  I feel great, physically, even if emotionally I am struggling right now.  It's all going to be OK.  I know that.  I just feel blah.  Ah, these are the days that I just have to keep on keeping on!!

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