Friday, September 9, 2016

9/9/2016: Running in the Rain

Weight:  155.6
Exercise:  Run:  3.2 miles. time 46:50, pace 14:16

As I was eating breakfast and finishing my coffee this morning, I was contemplating my run and I knew in my heart of hearts that I really didn't feel like getting out there today.  But I also knew in my heart of hearts that getting out there today was exactly what I had to do.  So I finished my breakfast, drank my coffee, did the dishes, put on my running clothes, donned my rain gear and headed out the door.  It rained steadily for my entire run and it was very dark.  I need to get a reflective vest if I am going to run in this kind of weather; I was anxious about drivers' visibility with the rain hitting their windshields.  My rain jacket is light colored, but it's not that light.  I'll be looking for a reflective vest or something like that this weekend.  I walked a significant portion of today's run.  As I said, my heart just wasn't in it.  But I got the miles in.

Here is yesterday's workout:

None of these exercises put any strain on my left inner elbow. so that was good.  I increased my weights on the Bench Press and the Bench Pause Reps.  With the Bench Pause Reps you lower the barbell all the way to your chest and let it rest there for a second, and then push it back up from the resting position.  This is much more difficult than the Bench Press, surprisingly so.

I'm  not having any trouble at all with food this week.  I woke up Tuesday morning, saw how much I weighed and that was that, back on program.  Why I couldn't do that at 154, 155, or 156 pounds, I don't know.  Perhaps it wasn't so much the number on the scale that flipped the switch as it was getting back from a weekend away re-energized.  Whatever it is, I'm grateful not to be struggling with my food program.  It's felt very natural to stay on program.  I haven't been having cravings and I haven't been wanting to eat crap or overeat.  What a relief.  I had a rough several weeks with constant hunger, cravings, overeating, and indulging in off program foods.  Hormones?  Probably.  I can't beat myself up about it, I just need to stay vigilant and be as consistent as I can be.  Also. no matter what is going on with food, I need to keep my exercise program consistent.  That has helped a lot!

Enjoy the day!  Rain or no rain, at least it's warm.

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