Thursday, November 15, 2012

11/15/2012: Easy Come, Easy Go

Morning Weight:  162.2
Morning Exercise: Cardio Day:  24 minutes on stairmaster - 119 floors (5 minutes level 7, 5 minutes level 8, 5 minutes level 9, 5 minutes level 10, 2 minutes level 11, 2 minutes level 7), 1500 meters (8 minutes) on row machine, 15 minutes on stationary bike, level 10
Yesterday Evening's Exercise:  Bowling
Yesterday's Calories: 1570
Vitamins:  1-A-Day, D, B-Complex, Calcium, Glucosamine

I've lost the pound I gained while in China, plus another two-tenths of a pound.  Woo Hoo!!  I'm creeping towards those 150s, slowly but surely!!  It feels good, it truly does.

Last night was bowling night and I usually take Thursdays off, since I am up late the night before.  This week I decided to exercise on Thursday morning because I didn't exercise on Monday or Tuesday.  I diligently set my alarm last night and when it went off this morning I hit snooze.  Then I hit it again when it went off in what seemed like 5 seconds later.  The third time the alarm went off I decided sleep was going to win this battle and that I would exercise this evening.  Then, of course, I couldn't fall back asleep.  It just kept bugging me that I ought to go to the gym.  So I did.  And it felt good.  Chalk one up to good habits.

I pushed it harder on the stairmaster today, increasing the level every 5 minutes until I did 5 minutes at level 10 and then 2 minutes at level 11.  Similar to the day that I increased my speed on the treadmill last week, increasing my speed on the stairmaster made the workout more interesting and it seemed to go by faster.  It was much harder, but more fun, in some strange way.  I also increased the intensity levels of the row machine and stationary bike.  It was a good work out today.

This Thanksgiving it is going to be just me and Jack for dinner.  We ordered the smallest turkey we could get and Jack is going to cook it on the Weber.  We're going to just make our few favorite dishes and keep things traditional, simple, and easy.  As much as I will miss family, I am glad for the low key holiday this year.  It's been a busy, busy, busy few months with a lot of change and I'm really not up for holiday traveling or entertaining family.  I mean, I could do it and would do it if family were already planning on coming, but I'm kind of glad to have this time off and just spend it with my sweetheart.  Jack has Tuesday and Wednesday off next week.  I took off Wednesday.  So we'll have five whole days to relax and get caught up.  I hope the weather is nice.  Maybe we'll do some hiking.  We'll see what rolls our way next week.



  1. You have discovered that harder workouts are more fun. You are such a Jock.

    1. Who would have thought that that would ever happen?
