Tuesday, November 27, 2012

11/27/2012: Errg!

Morning Weight:  159.0
This Morning's Exercise: Cardio day at the gym:  112 floors (24 minutes) on the stairmaster, levels 7 - 10; 1500 meters (about 8 minutes) on the rowing machine; 2682 strides (20 minutes) on the elliptical
Yesterday Evening's Exercise:  2 mile walk with Jack
Yesterday's Calories: 1550 
Vitamins:  1-A-Day, D, B-Complex, Calcium, Glucosamine

OK, so I am frustrated that I gained 4/10ths of a pound.  Who knows why?  I worked out hard this weekend.  Yes, I rested a little yesterday morning, but went for a brisk walk with Jack last night when I got home from work.  I know it is temporary, I really do, but it is so frustrating!  Just when I think my goal is attainable by year end, it takes a sidestep and I begin doubting myself again.  There is only one solution.  Keep on doing what I've been doing.  It's been working well, it will keep working.  I just can't let the frustration derail me.

I also feel awkward about firing Jeremy Wallen as my personal trainer.  I talked to Seth, the manager at 24Hour Fitness yesterday and he gave me a hard time about canceling my last 6 sessions with Jeremy and said he couldn't give me a refund for those sessions.  I pushed him on it and asked him to send me the portion of the contract that states that my payment is non-refundable.  I haven't received that yet.  After pushing him on the issue, he said he would "see what he could do" and call me back.  Of course, he hasn't called me back, yet.  I will call him this morning.  I have a session scheduled with Jeremy Wallen tomorrow morning and I don't know if I should go or not.  If I can't get my refund, I might as well train with him on Wednesdays and Jeremy Walters on Fridays.  It can't hurt to get the extra session in.  I guess I will see what happens today.  It was awkward seeing J Wallen at the gym this morning, knowing that Seth had spoken to him.  Ugh, it is always hard letting people go.  It's even harder when you have to continue seeing them on a regular basis!  Particularly when they know that you fired them and hired someone else that they know.  It is all very stressful!!  At the same time, I am totally pumped about getting to work out with Jeremy Walters again!  Oh, the mental anguish of it all!!

I don't have much time to dawdle this morning, I have a new employee starting today.  I am very excited about having him as part of the team and am confident that he will be able to help me get all of my projects done within the next 6 months.  That will be a huge relief.  I feel like with Steve starting, my job will be manageable.  I am looking forward to 8:30 this morning!!

I'm hungrier than normal.  I don't really understand why.  My guess is that I ate too little over the weekend.  Even though I had my 1600 calories, I burned off so much in exercise that I think I ended up with a bit of a calorie deficit.  I've noticed before that when my net calories for a day are particularly low (either due to too few calories consumed or a lot of calories burned) I am more hungry than normal for a couple of days.  Being hungry doesn't help the frustration level at all.  It just makes it worse.  *Heavy Sigh*  Ah well.  Not much longer and I won't be trying to lose weight anymore.  Yes, that will be a relief.  I am ready for Stage 2 to begin!!

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