Monday, November 26, 2012

11/26/2012: Taking it Easier, Today

Morning Weight:  158.6 - again!
This Morning's Exercise: None - Decided to rest today after this weekend's intense exercise.  In fact, my whole body is sore.  Ruth suggested yesterday evening that I should take it easy for a couple of days, but my plan was to get up this morning and do my strength training.  Instead, I got up and everything hurt, even my feet so I went back to bed for an hour and a half.  Resting a bit seems like a good plan!  I will go for a walk this evening.
Yesterday Evening's Exercise:  2 mile walk with Jack
Yesterday's Calories: 1666  (a little higher than 1600, but since I knew I would be working out for two hours yesterday morning (before breakfast), I ate a snack before my workout)
Vitamins:  1-A-Day, D, B-Complex, Calcium, Glucosamine

The day after!!!  Man, that mini-tri I did yesterday kicked my butt!  I felt wiped out after the workout yesterday, but I wasn't hurting.  Today I am sore all over.  In addition to my workout at the gym yesterday, Jack and I went bowling in the late morning and then went for a 2 mile walk in the evening. body is tired!  I am taking the morning off this morning, but will go for at least a short walk this evening.  Nothing crazy, just enough to get me outdoors and moving for a little bit.

I was hoping after all that exercise that I would weigh less this morning, but I didn't.  My theory is that when my muscles are sore they are inflamed, and when they are inflamed, they are a little swollen, and that when they are a little swollen, they weigh more.  Therefore, when the soreness is gone, I'll see my weight loss.  How do  you like that theory?  I'm hoping tomorrow we will see a little movement on the scale.   I need to make a little progress everyday if I want to get to 150 by the end of the year.

I went into 24Hour Fitness on Friday to cancel my last 6 training sessions with Jeremy Wallen, since I am going to start working out with Jeremy Walters (at Aspen Fitness Center) again on Friday.  The person at the front desk said that I needed to speak to the club manager, who would not be in until today.  I left my name and phone number.  He is supposed to call today.  I hope that he does so that I can get refunded for those sessions.  That will pay for the first couple of months with Jeremy Walters.  I am excited about starting to work with J Walters again.  The right trainer makes a big difference!!

It's back to work today.  I need to have a very disciplined 5 weeks!! 

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