Saturday, November 24, 2012

11/24/12: The Day After the Day After

Morning Weight:  159.4 - Recovered from the Thanksgiving weight gain
Today's Exercise: None yet - Jack and I are planning on going to Aspen Fitness to play racquetball.  We are going to stay at the gym after our game to do 45 minutes of cardio.  It's kind of cold outside this morning.  I hope it's warmer tomorrow.  I want to get on my bike this weekend.
Yesterday Evening's Exercise:  Did my strength training and 30 minutes of cardio in the afternoon.  No additional evening exercise
Yesterday's Calories: 1468
Vitamins:  1-A-Day, D, B-Complex, Calcium, Glucosamine

Yesterday I exercised extra hard and was careful about my calories which allowed me to recover from my 1.6 pounds of Thanksgiving bloat.  I have two days left of my weekend and I intend to lose that stubborn 4/10ths of a pound and weigh no more than 159.0 by Monday morning.

We're enjoying our quiet holiday weekend, though we went to the movie theater yesterday and all of the movies we wanted to see were sold out.  We are going to try to see the first showing of Life of Pi in 3D this morning.  Then we're going to go check out our new gym.  I am looking forward to playing racquetball with Jack.

We were going to play racquetball Thursday morning, but I bruised my finger pretty badly bowling Wednesday night.  On my very first ball of practice, I bounced the ball off the alley while it was still on my hand and when it bounced up it crushed into my middle finger and bruised it pretty badly.  It made it very painful to bowl, so I kept my hand in a glass of ice water all night.  As long as my finger was numb I couldn't feel anything and it didn't impact my bowling.  In fact, for my second game I bowled 6 strikes in a row and got a 210!!  How about that?  Much better than my first game in which my teammates say I got an 86, but I've blocked that out and don't really remember that very well.  My third game was OK, right around my average.  Our team won two of the three games and total pins, so for the first time in a long, long time we won 3 our of 4 points.  We may still be in last place, but at least we won for a change!!!! 

My finger feels much better today, it bends and most of the swelling and bruising is gone.  It still hurts a little when I press on it, but it's healed enough to start playing.  I'm glad it was just a bruise.

Not much more new, around here.  It's been quiet...nice and quiet. 

1 comment:

  1. Equipment for rball: glove (essential if you sweat, especially with sore finger), goggles (glasses won't do), mouthguard if jack swings away, which most guys do. A racket to your mouth will break pretty teeth.
