Saturday, September 14, 2013

9/14/13: A New Dawn

Ah, Saturday morning.  No alarm clock, no place I have to be, a gorgeous day, gloriously in love, and nothing to do but CHORES.  :)  Seriously, we need to get some household chores done today.  When life got really, really hard for me, my chores started to slip.  Jack picked up the slack, for the most part (a few things may have been back-burnered), but now as I feel life stabilizing again it is time to get back into the routine of taking care of business around the house.  It will feel good to get the house in order this morning and start this weekend with that sense of accomplishment.

Last night's anniversary celebration did not get crazy, and that is probably the understatement of the year!  I went into it knowing that I was not going to overeat or drink any alcohol.  Unfortunately, Jack was feeling sick yesterday with a headache and upset stomach, therefore he was not at the top of his game.  The combination of my discipline and his feeling somewhat subdued due to being under the weather, led to a very quiet evening.  We went to dinner at Louie's Wine Dive and didn't have any wine!!  I had a bowl of shrimp bisque (I believe it was an 8 ounce serving - at least that is how I counted it) and a grilled salmon salad.  Jackie had crab cakes.  The shrimp bisque was good and I really liked the salad.  This is the second time I had this particular salad and it is perfect for me.  They put grilled asparagus on it and use a very light balsamic vinaigrette.  After dinner we went over to the Roxy and played darts (we were terrible - it has been way too long since we played) and pool while we waited for the band to start.  The band was called The Stolen Winnebagos and they were worse than our dart playing!  We stayed for a few songs, but by then it was 10:30 and this early bird was getting tired.  If the band had been any good, we may have stayed a little longer and danced a little in spite of Jack not feeling great, but we decided to just come on home and go to bed.  There you have it!  A woman in training makes for a boring night life.  What can I say?  It is what it is.  We had fun talking about what life was like for both of us, 10 years ago, when we first met.  A lot has happened in ten years and we are both better off for it.

Yesterday I ate 1,618 calories and 112 grams of protein.  This weekend I will do a brick one day and strength training and a bike ride on the other day.  I am not sure which will happen on which day, yet.  As I said earlier, we have chores to do today, so that will make a difference.  It is not going to get too hot today, though, so I think there is a good chance I will get the brick in this afternoon.  I weighed a little more today, 157.4 pounds, but I am confident that is just because I ate later in the evening yesterday than I normally do, and there was probably more salt in my dinner than I normally eat.  I am not worried about that.  I have to mark my chart tomorrow morning and I am confident that I will be below my line.

I continue to feel strong and confident about my plan.  I have not been tempted by any dead foods (some sort of buttered and grilled bread came with my soup yesterday and I was not the least bit interested in eating it), but more importantly than that I have found it much easier to stop myself from eating unplanned portions of healthy foods.  A good example is prunes.  I eat a serving of prunes a day.  I do consider them a healthy, sweet treat, and they seem to help with certain bodily functions.  But they are 100 calories a serving so I only want to eat one serving a day.  I usually eat them with breakfast.  Yesterday, I ate my prunes before my workout because my trainer likes me to eat something before I strength train and we were out of bananas.  I eat breakfast after my workout and shower, and after breakfast, I kind of wanted that little sweetness that I get from my prunes and found myself reaching for them without really thinking about it.  Then I went, "Wait, you already had your prunes.  One serving is plenty."  Yet, I yearned for them and tried to talk myself into it being OK to have a few more.  Then I said to myself, "What about not eating more prunes is going to hurt?  Really?  In what way are you going to be in pain or cause any discomfort in your life if you don't eat those prunes?"  The answer, of course, was, "None."  I walked right past those silly prunes and didn't even look back.  The yearning actually stopped.  No cycling through, over and over again, of the tape trying to justify eating something I didn't need.  That hard and fast realization that not eating an extra serving of prunes was not going to hurt in any way made the decision to not eat them a no-brainer.  Perhaps that seems funny to you, but it worked.

I guess what I am saying is that I am calling bull-crap on the statement I have said many, many times in my life and I have heard others say countless times, which is, "It is hard to eat right."  Really?  It's hard?  What's hard about it?  What hurts when you eat food that is good for you?  What hurts when you don't eat that candy bar or that bowl of ice cream?  You do have to buy different things at the grocery store, but what is hard about that?  You are at the grocery store already, anyway.  You can buy healthy, prepared foods if you can't or hate to cook.  Even if you hate to cook, a couple of hours spent on Sunday afternoon will prep a week's worth of healthy foods for your fridge.  Yes you have to plan a little and think a little about what you are going to eat, but does that hurt?  I don't think so.  You know what's hard?  It's hard to be overweight.  It's hard on your lungs and your heart.  It's hard on your joints and your brain.  It's hard on your liver and your kidneys.  The more I read about how damaging abdominal fat is to the organs it surrounds the more I am committed to not have any excess abdominal fat.  It is going to be hard to be old and out of shape.  Walking with a cane or a walker, or worse not walking at all will be hard.  Alzheimer's will be hard.  Type 2 diabetes will be hard.  Eating grilled chicken and asparagus instead of fried chicken and french fries?  Not hard at all.  Think about it.  Next time you reach for that sweet treat, fried food, or beer; ask yourself, "What is going to hurt if I don't eat that?"  I already know the answer and so do you.

Jack's up, so I need to run.  Time for breakfast.  Have an awesome day!!!!!

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