Sunday, September 1, 2013

9/1/13: Are You Ready Now?

Let's get started!!

My plan was to get up and do a bike/run brick this morning.  It's been hot and dry around here, so I was going to go first thing this morning, before it got too hot.  As I was laying in my bed this morning giving myself a pep talk to get myself out of bed I heard a noise outside.  Was it rain?  No, it couldn't be.  So I drifted off for a second, woke back up, and picked up the pep talk where I had left off.  Then...more noises from outside.  Rain?  Could it be?  Finally, I roused myself enough to look out the window (not hard, considering the bed is right under the window) and sure enough, it was raining.  I sighed.  I kind of wanted to get that brick in today, but there is no reason I can't do it tomorrow.  I'll go to the gym and lift weights today, instead.

Yesterday's calories:  1,858
Yesterday's protein:  93 grams
Yesterday's exercise:  None - I got distracted by Steve.  He got home from Lawrence earlier than I thought he would and we spent the rest of the afternoon and evening talking.
This morning's weight:  157.6  (I'm sure Julie just got a chuckle out of that one)

Friday was a pretty bad food evening.  Steve left for Lawrence around 5:00 in the evening, Jack was in Utah, and I was home alone.  Alone.  Completely alone.  The phone wasn't ringing, there were no text messages from my boss in China (he was on his way home), no emergency Skype meetings.  Just quiet.  Alone.  Free.  Oh my God.  I was in heaven.  I couldn't remember the last moment that I was completely alone with nothing to do.  I read all evening and had a big bowl of ice cream.  Don't ask me why, but it was kind of heavenly to be all curled up on the couch with my book and my ice cream and my peace and quiet.  I paid for it of course, with a little bump in my weight (it was a pretty good size bowl of ice cream).  Ah well. 

I was hoping to spend some time yesterday working on my training plan and perhaps going to a bike shop or two, but Steve got back from Lawrence earlier than I thought he would and we ended up having a very nice day and evening talking.  We went out to dinner and went for a drive out in the country.  We had a lovely afternoon.  It's nice to get caught up with my son.

I am excited about my decision to excel at triathlons.  I'm a little scared, too.  This is going to take a lot of hard work and commitment.  I cannot half-ass this thing and reach my goals.  I am going to need to work and work hard, consistently, day-in and day-out.  I've always thought of myself as slow and cumbersome.  I have never tried to be anything else.  This is going to require a completely different mind-set.  We visited my brother-in-law at the hospital and I mentioned to him that I had made a decision to become a strong athlete.  He said, "Well, it's a little too late for that,"  as if it was a fact.  Well, pooh on that!!  It's not as if I plan to compete with 20 year olds.  I plan to compete against other women my age.  Ruth says this will be fun.  I think that might be an overstatement.  I don't think "fun" when I think about doing a brick every weekend for the foreseeable future, but I do think "fit," and "strong," and "happy."  Not exactly fun...but I guess it's getting close.

I started to look for open water swimming opportunities yesterday.  All of the organized programs that I found in the KC area go through labor day, as in tomorrow.  I guess I was a day late and a dollar short on that one.  They start up again on May 1st.  I'll keep looking, perhaps I'll find someone to swim with outdoors before the lakes get cold.  Otherwise I'll be swimming indoors until spring. I must get comfortable with the open water swimming.  I am going to go to the next Full Immersion Swim Clinic that comes to Kansas City and I will probably join a masters swim group.  I've already signed up for the local tri club, but I'm not sure what that is going to entail.  I am waiting for the webmaster to give me full access to the site so I can access the calendar of events, etc...  I hope to meet people I can swim and train with.  I know they do a bike/run brick every week.  That might be fun.

All-in-all I am feeling pretty good about all this.  I know this is going to be a huge challenge.  In fact, I think it will change my entire life.  I'm training for a sport now, not just exercising.  That's a whole new ball game.  The implications are still settling in.


  1. You can do it, Berta! Go for it! :) We're behind ya all the way! :)
