Wednesday, December 16, 2015

12/16/2015: Day two of recovery

Recovery is going well.  I took a shower today, which felt good, even if i was freezing cold when I got out of the shower.  Jack and I struggled a little bit getting the compression garment on just right, but we eventually got it.  I am wearing a compression garment around my abs and a jogging bra over my breasts.

I am not in a lot of pain, but I am experiencing a lot of discomfort.  I guess I expected it to be worse, so that's good that it is not.  I am planning on taking it very easy for three whole weeks.  I want this recovery to start off well.  I go back to the surgeon on Monday to get at least one, if not both drains out.

Everything looks pretty good, but I am fairly swollen, so it's a little hard to tell what the end results will look like.  So far, I like what I see.

Food has been easy.  I'm eating my normal diet, just less of it, which seems reasonable considering how little I am moving.  I'm not nauseous, but after I eat a little bit I just don't feel like eating anymore.  I am taking my pain meds, one every four hours  That helps a lot.

All is well.  There is a lot of recovering left to do!

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