Friday, December 4, 2015

12/4/15: Too Busy

Days of abstinence: 73
Exercise:  Cardio weight lifting
Days until surgery: 10
Weight:  157.2 pounds

It’s a good thing Jack and I decided to downplay Christmas this year.  I am just too busy.  The deal at work that was on again then off again then on again is now off again.  Whether that is for better or for worse, we’ll never know, it just is.  The whole process was time consuming and exhausting and all of the work seems to be for naught.   But, then again, there is that silver lining.  The due diligence process that we went through was enlightening and it made very clear some of the very basic changes that we needed to make to be successful.  They are difficult changes and the last few weeks have been exhausting, physically and emotionally; but they are changes that should “right size” our monthly expenses to our current revenue levels.  They are also changes that should result in an increase in revenues.  I am glad we are going through this process, but I don’t want to do much except work and sleep.

It’s hard to believe that I only have 6 days of work left before this surgery.  There is so much to do.  There is so little time!  Yikes.  I guess the world will keep turning, even when I am laid up in my recliner. 

I’m anxious, nervous, excited.  I’m glad this is going to be over, soon.  I’m ready to start the process of recovering.  I want to get through that first week.  I know it will be pretty dreadful until I get the drains out, so I want to just get that part done and over with, already.  I’m preparing myself for the worst of it.

Food.  What can I say about food that I have not said already?  Not much.  Other than I have decided that alcohol is out, forever.  It’s a sugar, plain and simple, and I don’t do sugar.  Not much else to say about that. I don’t know why it was such a tough decision, but there you go.

After surgery, my focus will be on maintaining my weight and my physical fitness.  I may hire a trainer again, once I can start exercising.  It helps me stay on track.  I won’t want to lose any more weight, but I will want to be strong and fit.  I am looking forward to that next stage.  Surgery and recovery will be stage 3.  Once I can start exercising again, I’ll be in stage 4, strength and fitness for life. 

Stage 1:  2012/2013 – Weight Loss
Stage 2:  2013/2015 – Weight Maintenance/Stabilize Habits
Stage 3:  2015/2016 – Surgery and Recovery
Stage 4:  2016/Rest of Life – Wellness, Weight Maintenance, Strength and Fitness

Have a beautiful day!

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