Wednesday, December 23, 2015

12/23/2015: Showered by myself today!

Progress in baby steps!  I was able to undress myself and shower without any help today.  Jack was close by, working on his computer and didn't have any music or anything on so he could hear me if I needed help.  It felt good to accomplish this task by myself.  I needed help zipping up one side of my compression garment, but other than that, I was able to get myself in and out of the shower by myself.  I even washed my hair and shaved my legs (just up to my knees, I only shave my calves).  A little neosporin on my scars, lotion all over everywhere else, and I feel half way human.  We go to the doctor's soon to have the last drain removed.  Yeah!!

Jack and I baked cookies yesterday.  For Jackie, it is not Christmas without cookies.  He was quite pleased.  I did not eat any, nor did I lick my fingers while making the dough.  It really has been about three months since I have eaten any sugar at all.  Pretty amazing, really.  I'm so glad.  I know that not eating sugar will help me maintain my weight at around 150 forever.  This has been a huge change.

With regard to the surgery, I am happier with the breast lift than I am with the tummy tuck, which surprises me.  I thought it would be the other way around.  My breasts look better than I ever could have imagined.  I still have a slight bulge above the incision site for tummy tuck.  It will be interesting to see how that improves over the months.  I know there is swelling that needs to go down and that it will improve with massage and scar treatment.  Also, the doctor said all along that it is not unusual to need a touch up on minor areas after the healing is done.  Those sorts of things are done after about 6 months or a year and they are done in the office at no additional cost.  We'll have to wait and see what everything looks like once the healing is complete.

Carla will be home this afternoon.  It will be great to have her home for a week or so.  We haven't seen our little girl in quite a while.

I guess that's it for now.  I need to get ready to go to the doctor's office.

Have a beautiful day!

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