Saturday, March 17, 2012

3/17/2012: Unofficial Weigh-In

There was a little bit of good news on the scale today. I lost the 1.2 pounds that I gained over the last couple of days and I am back to my official Monday weigh-in weight of 218.8 pounds. To be back on my line this Monday I need to be down to 217.5. I can do that!!

I worked out every day this work week so I actually get a day off this weekend! I took the day off today because I spent most of the day doing volunteer work, providing financial consulting for a woman starting her own business. It is rewarding work, but today was a longer day than normal. I'll have to go to the gym tomorrow for strength training to get my six days in this week.

My exercise routine consists of 3 days a week of cardio and 3 days a week of strength training. On Friday, my cardio workout was a 4 mile jog/walk in which I alternated jogging with walking. If I do cardio at the gym I do 10 minutes on the stair climber (level 6), 20 minutes on the eliptical (2500 strides), 20 minutes on the tread mill (alternating 2 minutes @ 5 miles/hour and 2 minutes @ 3 miles an hour) and 10 minutes on the stationary bike (level 6) as a cool down. It's a decent workout. The 10 minutes on the stair climber kicks my butt and then I am huffing a puffing through the rest of the workout. Running outdoors isn't any easier, but it is more pleasant when the weather is nice.

My strength training varies from week to week. I meet with a personal trainer each Thursday and he sets up my routine for the week. He is doing a pretty good job setting me up with routines that push me to the point that I can't do much more. We are doing a lot of core and balance work, which seems like a good place to focus, given the fact balance and core strength are critical to being able to maintain an exercise routine long term. So far, I think I am getting my money's worth out of the PT. At the very least, knowing I am going to meet with him each week keeps me motivated to work out between visits and maintain my diet.

My diet has been better the last few days. I admit to allowing myself have a sweet treat most days, but I keep it small. The rest of my diet consists of lean proteins, veggies, fruits and occasional whole grains. I have been effective at cutting down portions this last few days. It's obvious that without keeping a close eye on intake, no amount of exercise in the world is going to cause me to lose weight. Calories in vs. calories out. I have not yet started counting every calorie and for some reason I am trying to avoid that, though I know it's not that hard once I make up my mind to do it. If I am not at or below my line Monday morning, I will add calorie counting to my bag of tricks.

So far, I feel good about my progress. Tomorrow will be the end of three full weeks of exercising regularly and I feel much better for it. The weight is slowly coming off and I know I have to be in this for the long haul to be successful, but that long haul is just a collection of days, none of which, on its own, is all that difficult. This is doable. Consistency is the key!!

Thanks for listening...


  1. Way to go Roberta!
    I am way impressed that you have the self control to stick with it. Looking back 3 weeks seems like a very long time. Keep it up. Watching you is slowly starting to motivate me.

    1. Thanks Rebecca!! I was thinking about it yesterday and realized each day, by itself, isn't so bad. It's just when I string 300 and some days together in a row that it feels a little oppressive. So I am doing my best to remind myself that it is just a series of single days, and I can do this!! I will feel so much better about myself when I get to 150lbs! Do you know how long it's been, though, since I weighed that much...or that little? Forever, I think. Seriously, I'll bet it's been 23 years. That seems like forever. The lightest I've been in recent history is 178 pounds and that was right before my emergency hysterectemy (sp??) 5 years ago. I was on a pretty good path when that happened. I tried to not let it derail me, but ultimately, it did. Ah well, that is the past and this is now. Thanks for the comment!! It's nice to know you're checking in!!!
