Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3/28/2012: Holding Steady

I seem to be holding my own this week. Since Monday my weight has only fluctuated a couple tenths of a pound, so that is not bad for the work week. I am feeling good about tomorrow's weigh in. I am hoping to see the scale drop below 214. We'll see how it goes in the morning.

Tomorrow marks the end of the first month of working with my trainer. He measured me at the beginning of the month, so I don't know if he is planning on doing measurements again tomorrow, or not. I know I have lost some inches though, because I was able to get a pair of shorts on today that I could not button a month ago. Progress!!!

The following is the summary of my net calories for the last few days.

Sunday: Calories consumed -1,101: Calories burned - (80 minutes jog/walking to and from gym & 45 minutes weight lifting) - 943: Net Calories - 158

Monday: Calories consumed - 1,312: Calories burned (no exercise) - 0: Net Calories - 1,312

Tuesday: Calories consumed - 1,828: Calories burned (45 minutes weight lifting) - 436: Net Calories - 1,392

Wednesday: Calories consumed - 1,387: Calories burned (60 minutes brisk walking, approx 3.5 mph) - 368: Net Calories - 1,019

Monday ended up being my day off from exercise this week because I did not sleep well Sunday night and getting up at 4:30 Monday morning just did not happen after a restless night. I thought I might get a walk in after work, but we went to see the Hunger Games instead. It's OK though, since my goal is 6 days of exercise a week, so this week, my day off was Monday.

I'll check in again tomorrow after weighing in. Now it's off to bed. Good night, everyone!!


  1. You are so awesome! Yep, you are working hard, my dear and love to see the progress you are making! Jackie

  2. Way to go girl. I'm so excited for you to be seeing pay off for all the hard work. Can't wait to see you in person in another month.

    1. I am looking forward to seeing you, too. Both weddings, Bri's and my nephew's are helping to keep me motivated. I know the harder I work now the better I will look in those pictures 10 years from now. :) Photos...they don't lie, do they???
