Tuesday, March 20, 2012

3/20/2012: It's Not So Easy

Ugh. They say it will become habit. They say, sooner or later I won't be able to live without it. They say, someday I will actually like it. I wish that day would come sooner rather than later. Going to the gym is just plain hard. I have to get up early, get dressed, drag my butt to the gym and then do things that my body complains vigorously about. Really??? That's suppossed to be fun??? That'll be the day.

Seriously, today was strength training. I am doing this routine where I do 16 squats to shoulder presses with a 10lb weight, 35 bicycle crunches, 35 "skiers" (which is basically sidestepping back and forth, crossing over and touching a weight placed on the floor) and 12 push-ups. I do 4 reps of that circuit, and then do these pull downs sitting on a ball with my back facing the machine, I make a "w" with my arms and it works out the area around my shoulder blades. So I do 16 of those pull downs with 45lb of weight and then I throw this 8 pound medicine ball up against a pole, as high as I can, 30 times. I do 4 reps of that exercise, too. All in all, it took about 45 minutes this morning. A long and grueling 45 minutes. Maybe all that does not sound like a lot, but believe me, you could tell by my sweating, huffing & puffing, and grunting that I was working hard. I am looking forward to the day that I enjoy this stuff.

I am already enjoying the results though. I looked in the mirror today and could actually tell a difference in my sides, like they go in...you know...I am narrower in the middle than I am at the top or at my hips. I am not seeing it in my clothes yet, as none of my clothes actually fit that part of my body very snuggly (I can't imagine why not!) but it is kind of fun to look in the mirror and see something that suggests a figure might be in there somewhere! It's the little bit of light that I am going to hang on to, for now, until I can see more noticable results, elsewhere!

Well, Jack's alarm is going off so I better skeedaddle into the bedroom to get my shower before he gets out of bed.

Until later...


  1. Ugh, Is it really possible for people to like to sweat?

  2. People like my sister do. She can't figure out what I don't like!
