Tuesday, March 20, 2012

3/20/2012: Blogging About it Helps

I don't know why it helps, but it really does. Blogging is making sticking to the plan easier. The fact that you may read this post or that you may check in on Weigh-In Day (Mondays and Thursdays, in case you missed that part) to see if I met my weekly goals is only part of it. And, actually, I think it is only a small part of it. I think the bigger part of it is that blogging allows me to talk about this process as often as I want to talk about it, and I don't have to worry about whether the person listening to me really cares about what I have to say, because if you don't care, you just won't keep reading. So I can carry on about food choices, exercise, my improving mood, negligible differences in the way I look, or whatever happens to be on my mind at the moment, and I don't have to worry about people thinking, "Will she just shut up about this already." The fact of that matter is that if I am not actively enagaged in something else, I am thinking about my "Get Healthy" initiative. It is on my mind, off and on, all day. I am constantly thinking about little things that I want to share with someone, but, alas, no one cares about it as much as I do. The person that invented blogging is a fricking genius. Thank you, Mr. Blog, for this tool.

One of the things I think about a lot are all of the tools, or tricks, that I am using to stay on task. One of my favorites, other than blogging, is my chart. It's not just that it's a graph that I mark on twice a week to measure my weight loss progress, it's much more than that. I love the fact that I am taking my picture every Sunday and taping it to my chart. I only have 4 photos up so far, but it is already becoming a visual chronology of my progress. It's easy for me to visualize what my chart is going to look like in 44 weeks, with 48 photos on it. I get excited just thinking about being able to see the clear progression from the overweight me to the healthy me. It gets me pumped thinking about it, and that being pumped about how my chart is going to look on February 4th, 2013, helps me make good choices during the day. Maybe that sounds silly to you, but to me, it makes a difference. I also like that I write little thoughts on it about how I am feeling on a particular day or little differences that I am noticing. Again, it's a reminder that it is not only about how I look, but how I feel. And I feel so much better than I did three and a half weeks ago. The exercising is not fun for me, but the other 23 hours a day are so much better for it, that I have to admit that it is worth every grunt, groan and sore muscle. Exercise is such a huge part of this. I am thankful everyday that my body is strong, healthy, and responsive to changes in my routine. I really am blessed with an amazing body. It really is my job, my responsibility, to take care of it. I am so much happier with myself when I treat my body with respect. Blogging helps me remember that, every single day. So...

Thanks for listening!!!!


  1. See, I'm not the only one addicted. It is fun to hear about a part of your life even though there are so many miles between us. Keep it up Roberta!

  2. I know what you mean. I really enjoy your blog because it make me feel connected to you, Andrew and the kids, even though we are so far away. It helps us feel not so removed.

    Thanks for the encouragement!!
