Saturday, March 31, 2012

3/31/2012: Just Checking In

It is Saturday morning and we have a lot to do this weekend, including getting our income tax returns done. That'll be fun! But it is a gorgeous weekend, the windows are open, and I'm not at work; I'm not complaining! Also, it's the first weekend in a while that I have not volunteered for the Women's Employment Center, so it will be nice to have an entire weekend to get caught up around the house and maybe have a little time left over to play.

I just finished reading through several of my previous posts which certainly seem to support my premise that all of my weight loss appears to happen on the weekends. I paid a lot of attention to my weight and my eating this work week. I held my own, all week, with my weight fluctuating very little, just four tenths of a pound back and fourth around 214. I am intensely curious to see what is going to happen this weekend. I hope the pattern holds true and I lose 1.5 pounds (my weekly goal) before Monday. If that happens, I'll be content with the weekly pattern that seems to have developed. I do eat a little more during the week than I do on weekends, and I eat later in the day. I don't tend to eat dinner on weekdays until about 7:30, and on weekends I eat dinner much earlier, around 6:00. I don't know if that contributes to my pattern or not. I'm also, inadvertently, more active on the weekends, so perhaps that is it. I'm also happier and sleep a little more. Whatever it is, it seems to all add up to a pattern of losing weight on weekends and doing everything I can not to gain it back during the week.

To keep things real, the following is my net calorie log for the last couple of days:

Thursday: Calories consumed - 1,816; Calories burned (55 minutes of weight lifting) - 533; net Calories - 1,283

Friday (consistently my highest net calorie day of the week, by the way): Calories consumed - 2,291; Calories burned (60 minute jog/walk) - 485; net Calories - 1,806

My attitude towards exercise has vastly improved throughout the week. The attitude adjustment from last Friday and positive self-talk since then has been helping. It is also helping that people at work are starting to notice and that I can get into and button pants that I could not get into a month ago. Someone at my seminar even came up to me yesterday and told me that I was glowing! She said she could see a big difference. Another woman told me how brave I was to be so open about my weight, my weight loss plan, and the struggles I'm having to stay on the plan. She said she could see why it would help me to be open about it, to get the support and accountability of the people around me; but that she would be unable to be so open about something so personal. It feels good to get all of the validation from the people around me. I am looking forward to February 4th, 2013, being 150 pounds, and having a success story to tell. Visualizing that day helps me stay on track. So does checking in with you on a regular basis by posting to this blog. With your support, I can do this!!!

Thanks for listening!!

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree about putting it all out there. A lot of people can't believe I post the number on the scale and the weeks that I really suck, but for me, it is all about being real. I know there are a lot of people out there trying to lose weight and thinking they are the only ones struggling. I think that's why I wanted to start my blog. I want people that are reading it and wanting to lose weight, to know that they are setbacks, but that is normal, and not to,give up! I will get there!

    So will you! I am so happy we have each others blogs to read! You are doing awesome. Keep up the great work!
