Tuesday, January 26, 2016

1/26/2016: Six Week Post-op Check-up

First and foremost, I am healing well and the doctor has no concerns.  He is happy with my progress so far, thinks the scars look good for 6 weeks, and he doesn't need to see me for six more weeks.  Other than that, this is what I learned, yesterday:

  • I don't have to wear garments anymore unless I want to.  He said I might be more comfortable wearing a spanx or something like that, and if I want to wear one, that's fine.  But I no longer have to wear one.  I am going to walk out the door today without a garment or spanx on.  I am looking forward to that!!  I will bring a variety of compression garments with me.  If my gut starts to hurt, I will put one on.  I am very excited that I no longer have to wear a garment.
  • The doctor is incredibly happy with the shape of my breasts.  If you had seen the before and after photos, you would know why.  He stressed the importance of wearing a bra most of the time for the rest of my life, to minimize the impact of gravity on these beauties.  It will be my ongoing quest to find the most comfortable bra I can find, that I don't mind wearing most of the time.  He said I don't need to sleep in a bra, but I shouldn't make it a regular practice to not wear a bra when I am awake.  The big difference between bras before and bras now is that now when I put on a bra it fits over my breasts, it doesn't lift and compress my breasts.  That is a huge difference.  Prior to surgery, I had to lift up my breasts and compress them into the cup and wear a bra with straps and a band tight enough to hold everything up and in place.  Now my bra just fits over my breasts and keeps them in place.  My bra no longer changes the shape of my breasts and my straps no longer dig into my shoulders, so wearing a bra is much more comfortable than it used to be.  I have bought several different bras, already, and they are fairly comfortable but I wouldn't say that I love any of them.  I won't buy any more bras for six more weeks.  By then, the healing will be mostly done, the swelling will be mostly gone, and I should know what my true size is.  Then the hunt will begin for the most comfortable bra in the world.  I'll certainly have a few different bras to wear with different styles of clothing, but that everyday, wear 90% of the time, bra will need to be perfect.
  • The doctor is very happy with the progression of my scars.  He wants me to continue doing exactly what I (and Jack) are doing.  We are doing scar massage twice a day and I am wearing the scar away strips for about 16 hours a day.  We just need to keep that up.  
  • The doctor recommended that I wait two more weeks prior to starting to exercise.  I am not overly surprised by this, but I am a little disappointed.  I described the pulling sensation that I get on the incisions below my breasts.  He said that this is normal, as is the pain I get in my lower gut after sitting all day, but he did say that he didn't want me to start exercising until I no longer feel the incisions pull when I lift my arms up all of the way.  He did recommend that I start stretching more and focusing on full range of movement.  Jack and I have a great book that has a comprehensive set of stretches in it.  I will begin those this evening.  I can also start walking.  I wish it was warmer out, or I had a gym membership so I could use a treadmill.  It's kind of funny, for a short period of time I had three gym memberships, now I have none.  It's time to sign up again.  So, for two weeks, stretch and walk.  After that, I can start working out again.
  • When I go back for my 3 month post-op visit we will decide if we want to do any touch up work on the ends of the scars.  I think it will be necessary, but he said with massage and reduction of swelling, the problem areas may fix themselves.  We'll see.  I am not anxious about this at all.
So I guess that's about it.  Everything is going according to plan, I'm healing well, the results of the surgery were excellent.  I am glad I did this surgery and I will say that it was definitely "worth it!"

Have a beautiful day!

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