Wednesday, January 27, 2016

1/27/2016: Starting New Routine

Have I ever mentioned that I get up early?  Well, now I get up earlier.  Prior to surgery I woke up at about 4:00 so that I could exercise, relax a little, eat breakfast and get to work between 7:00 and 7:30.  I started getting to work early last summer so that I could get a daily dashboard report prepared in time for a 9:00 meeting every morning.  We have not been having that meeting consistently since I've been back to work, due to travel schedules, but I still prepare the report and and try to deliver it to all of the senior managers before the workday starts.  In theory, I should be able to leave the office by 4:00 or so, but that seldom happens.  What I am trying to do, consistently, is leave by around 4:30 so that I can miss the worst of the rush hour traffic.  That is the best part of my schedule, I get to miss the worst of the traffic going to and coming home from work.

Since my surgery I have been getting up at about 4:00 and used my exercise time to do scar massage and other recovery related routines.

Starting today, I added stretching to my morning routine.  Eventually, this will become the time that I exercise, but as I mentioned yesterday, my surgeon wants me to wait a couple more weeks before I start exercising again.  In the meantime, I decided to start stretching for about 30 minutes each morning in order to get used to getting out of bed and putting on my gym clothes.  There's a big difference between waking up and massaging my scars while I am still laying in bed and waking up, putting on gym clothes, and moving my body around.  This morning, my alarm went off at 3:30.  I tried to talk myself out of getting out of bed, but at that I was unsuccessful.  I woke up, did my massage, and managed to get out of bed early enough to do about 30 minutes of stretching.  Once I am able to start doing a full exercise routine, which takes about an hour, I will need to get up between 3:00 and 3:15.  This sounds crazy, doesn't it?  But the fact of the matter is I find it exceedingly difficult to exercise after work.  I just don't want to do it.  So, bed time moves from 9ish to 8ish and wake up time moves for 4ish to 3ish.  During the winter months, it should be fine.  It's dark all the time anyway.  We'll see what happens in the spring.

Have a beautiful day!

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