Thursday, January 7, 2016

1/7/2016: Recovery and Work

Work is wearing me out.  By about 3:00 in the afternoon I am wiped out.  I've been leaving work between 3:00 and 4:00 (I've been getting in around 7:30) and going home to collapse in my recliner.  Prior to crawling into my recliner and covering myself with my electric blanket (Have I told you how much I love my electric blanket?  It is awesome!) I exchange my girdle-like compression garment for my abdominal compression garment.  Both are uncomfortable but they are uncomfortable in different ways, so it is a bit of a relief to have a 2 -3 hour window when I am out of the girdle-garment.  I put it back on before I go to bed.  I don't really mind sleeping in it.  I've gotten used to that.

Recovery at this point is a slog.  I spend an hour every morning on my scar therapy routine.  The Scar Away seems to be working somewhat magically.  The scars are already less raised, though I did notice a very dark, thin red line running through the scars that I did not notice before.  I think that the line was always there, but it wasn't visible because of the scar tissue that had formed around and over it.  As the Scar Away does its job and the scars become less bulky, the line is a little more noticeable.  I was getting anxious to start my scar therapy prior to Monday's doctor's appointment.  I am glad to have my instructions, now, and that I am doing something every day to minimize the appearance of the scars, in the long term.  I really do want to do everything I can to maximize my results.

My mornings aren't bad.  I start the day feeling rested and strong.  I start to fade by about 10:00AM, though, and by noon I wish I could just pack it in and go home.  I struggle through the afternoon and by 3:00 I really am ready to call it quits.  It would help if I get up from my desk and walk more.  I need to make a point of doing that, starting today.

I had a bad case of the munchies last night.  There was not any good reason for this, other than the fact that I was hurting and tired and frustrated after what felt like a really long day at work.  I ate a handful of nuts when I got home, then my dinner.  I was no longer hungry but still wanted to eat.  I shouldn't have eaten anything else and it is a very good thing that I have decided to never eat sugar again because I know if I looked I would have found chocolate in this house somewhere.  I have it on good authority that Jack is keeping a private stash hidden away.  I didn't look for chocolate and I really wasn't craving something sweet, I just wanted to crunch on something.  That's when I remembered the plantain chips I had made that were in a plastic bag on top of the fridge.  I got a big handful of plantain chips out of the bag and crunched on those while I was watching the 3rd episode of Star Trek, "Where No Man Has Gone Before."  The chips were good because they were crunchy and salty.  They were bad because I ate more calories than I should have.  Oh well, they didn't contain any added sugars.  We all have our moments and if in my weak moments I eat homemade plantain chips (I thinly slice plantains, toss them in coconut oil, sprinkle with sea salt and bake them until browned and crispy) then so be it.  I do weigh more today than I did yesterday.  Bloating?  Caused by the salt?  Caused by extra calories?  Caused by a hormone imbalance from naturally occurring sugars in the plantains?  Caused by the stress of working all day?  Who knows?  All I know is I will be glad when the recovery is complete and working an 8 hour day is no longer painful and exhausting.

I'm enjoying the Star Trek episodes.  I have watched the first three.  They are:  Man Trap, Charlie X, and Where No Man Has Gone Before.  I don't remember these episodes at all.  I am guessing that the early episodes aren't the ones they reran all the time when we were kids.  It really is fun to be able to see all 79 episodes in order.  I know what I will do to pass the time in the afternoon and evenings as I finish my recovery!

That's it for now.  I'm headed to work.  Wish me luck.

Have a beautiful day!

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