Thursday, July 14, 2016

7/14/2016: On the Road Again!!

Weight:  153.0

I hit the road again this morning, this time to Anna, Illinois for a long weekend with my sister, Ruth. This vacation was inspired by Younger Next Year's suggestion to have a vacation with friends that is centered around physical activity.  Anna is between a couple of national forests so we are bringing our bikes and hiking shoes.  I think it will be a lot of fun and I am really looking forward to it.

The funny thing is my best guess is that I am back to the same weight that I was before I left for my last two mini-vacations.  I weighed 153.0 this morning, but things finally broke loose this morning after breakfast and after 15 fairly painful minutes in the bathroom I am confident that I am at least a pound lighter than I was when I woke up.  I know, I know, that is too much information, but hey, this is a weight loss blog and those of us that monitor how much we weigh each morning and what things impact our weight talk about such things!  I do feel much better, now.  My poor tummy was feeling a little bloated.  Relief!  My best guess is that the cheese that I ate when I was at my dad's is what caused my digestive problems.  I didn't eat a lot of cheese, we had cheese on eggs one day and then some cheese on a salad the next day; but I think it was enough to make my gut unhappy.  The only other thing I can think of that was vastly different from my normal diet was the amount of fruit that I ate.  Dad and Kay eat a lot of fruit and for a few days I ate way more fruit than I normally eat.  But I would think that too much fruit would cause the opposite reaction.  Whatever it was, it has passed.  Get it?  Passed?  Ha ha.  OK, enough bathroom talk!  Moving on...

I don't think I'll see any bloat or weight gain from my road trip this weekend.  First of all, I don't have to get on a plane!!  Secondly, our days will center around physical activity, bordering on exercise, and Ruth is as disciplined, if not more so, than I am.  I think it will be a net positive when it comes to my health and wellness goals.  I am really looking forward to spending this time with my sister.  This is the first time we have ever spent any real time alone together.  Heck, we're only in our mid-fifties. No time like the present!

I guess that's it for now.  I need to get the bills paid since I didn't do it last weekend and I won't be here this weekend, either.  Then I will hit the road.

Have a wonderful day.  It's summertime!  What's not to love?

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