Sunday, April 1, 2012

4/1/2012: Picture Day, Week 5

The photo on the left is my start photo and was taken on February 26th. The photo on the right is my 5 week photo and was taken on April 1st. Aside from the fact that we went from winter to spring, can you see a difference? OK, I don't love the shorts, but they are the only ones that fit right now. I can get into and button another pair that I like a lot better, but they are still too tight to wear.

Whether you can see the difference or not, I have lost 10.2 pounds. This morning's unofficial weigh-in was 213.8 pounds. Tomorrow is my weigh-in mark-my-chart day, so we'll see what that brings when I get on the scale in the morning. Also, I can feel the difference. I am happier, more energetic, my clothes are getting looser, and exercising is getting easier. There has been a lot of progress in 5 weeks.

It is a beautiful spring day and I am looking forward to working in the garden and making some progress on our garage project. So far, Carla has done an amazing job of cleaning out and organizing the garage, a project I have wanted to tackle for 3 years. There is not that much left to do and I'm looking forward to having well organized and easy to find tools!

I hope all of you enjoy this beautiful spring day!