Sunday, April 29, 2012

4/29/2012: Challenging Week Ahead

There is a lot going on this week.  Of course, all of you already know that on Thursday I will be celebrating my 50th birthday and I am looking forward to the celebration lasting through the weekend!  Between lunch with co-workers and friends on Thursday afternoon, a Royals game (Go Royals!  Beat those Yankees!) Thursday evening, perhaps a nice meal out on Friday evening (maybe we can finally go to FUD), and pizza and Rock-n-Bowl on Saturday, I will have plenty of opportunities to over-indulge.  It is my pledge not to do that, though.  I see no reason why I can't have fun doing all of those things while making good food choices and not over-filling my gas tank.  In addition to that, I found out at the last minute that I am going to Orlando this week for a conference.  Someone else was scheduled to go, but she resigned last week, so I am going in her place.  Traveling alone for business, particularly attending a conference, means a lot of sitting and trying to stay awake.  That will probably be the biggest challenge for me, not eating while I am on the road.

I am motivated to stay committed to eating right, though, because I've really seen some nice progress on the scale this week.  This morning I weighed 206.8 pounds!!  Yippee!!  That means 17.2 pounds lost and 56.8 to go.  It's nice to see the scale moving a little almost everyday.  Being very careful this week with my food choices paid off.  I am feeling pretty good about that.

Next week Jack and I go to San Diego for our youngest daughter's wedding.  That will be challenging, too.  Yesterday we bought my dress, a size 14W, beats the heck out of the size 18W I would have had to buy two months ago.  I like it and feel pretty in it, so that's good.  It's red, an unusual color for a wedding, but red is one of the bride's colors, so that worked out well, as red is a good color for me.  I ordered shoes today, so here's hoping one of the pairs I ordered fits and looks good with the dress.  They should be here in a few days! 

I'm struggling a little bit, emotionally, with how long this is going to take.  Sometimes I look in the mirror and see a really fat woman and feel like this is going to take forever.  It makes me feel sad and frustrated and sort of hopeless about this whole thing.  Other times I look in the mirror and see the progress and I have complete confidence that I am in charge of this process and that before I know it, I will be where I want to be.  I have very deep seated habits and emotions when it comes to food.  I told Jack, yesterday, that it feels like I am fighting demons, sometimes.  The good news is that I am struggling for less and less of my day, as the weeks go by.  There are still moments when I think, "This is impossible," but those thoughts are quickly replaced with, "I'm getting this done."  I know I'll get there.  That's why I have implemented the use of so many tools, so that no matter what's going on, one of the tools in my tool box will be just the trick to get me back on track.

Today's chore day.  It's raining out, so that's good.  I won't be tempted to play in my garden all day!!  The house could use a little attention.

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