Monday, April 30, 2012

4/30/2012: Weighing in - End of Week Nine

I hardly believed my own eyes this morning, but I weighed 205.6 pounds this morning.  At the end of week nine I have lost 18.4 pounds, so I am still averaging right around 2 pounds a week.  I thought last week that the weight loss was slowing down to about 1.5 pounds per week (which is my goal) but then, all of a sudden, this week I lost almost three pounds.  It's funny how it works that way.  Some weeks it seems like my body is hanging onto every ounce of fat it has for dear life, and then "poof" two or three pounds seem to fall off over night.  Other weeks it seems to come off more steadily, a couple of tenths a pound a day.  It would be interesting to know what is really going on in there, physiologically, but I guess I'll never know.  I'll take the 205.6 pounds today, though.  That feels pretty good.  Now I need to hang on to that for a week or two to make it stick!!

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the great work! You are really kicking some ass!
