Monday, April 9, 2012

4/9/2012: Showing Up

I took Friday off and had a pleasant three-day weekend. Friday afternoon and Saturday morning I got our tax returns done. We owe Uncle Sam about $1,900 but we are getting about $500 back from the states, so it's about what I expected to see, net. Saturday afternoon Jack and I went out and bought new bowling balls! We also got shoes and bags for the balls. We are going to bowl in a league this summer with Alix and Nicholas and I was not looking forward to hunting for a house ball every week that fit my hand. Once we decided to buy the balls, it was pretty easy for the shop keeper to talk us into the the bags (well, we needed something to put the balls in) and the shoes (they really will pay for themselves by the end of the summer). We bowled three games after the balls were drilled and I won two out of the three games. I came out hot, with my new ball, bowling stikes the first frame of each game. It took Jack a little while to bond with his ball, but by the third game he was getting into a groove and won the game with a decent score in the 160s. I probably averaged in the low 130s, which isn't too bad for me considering we don't bowl that often. I'm sure we'll bowl a lot more often, now that we have balls, in addition to the league bowling. We're really looking forward to bowling with Alix and Nicholas this summer!! After bowling I went to the gym for my weight lifting routine.

Sunday we finished a project that Carla started a couple of weeks ago, organizing our garage. I wish we had taken a before photo. It was awful. You could not walk in half the garage and starting any sort of project around the house was intimidating because it would take an hour just to find the necessary tools. About two weeks ago, Carla tackled the worst of it; she hauled stuff down to the basement that came up from the basement about a year ago, for our last garage sale. She also pulled everything away from the walls so we could hang the peg board and after Jack and I helped her hang the peg board, she started the task of organizing everything. She got about 75% of the project done before she ran out of steam and Jack and I finished the project yesterday. I swapped short shelves I had in the basement for the tall shelves that were in the garage to create a work bench effect and Jack and I hung the large tools on the walls and finished organizing the peg boards. Above are the after pictures. I love how organized it is and how easy it is to find things. An added bonus is that the white peg board covered up a decent section of the dark wall board and now the garage is much brighter.

After finishing the garage I went for my 4 mile jog/walk with Carla. You may have noticed that 6 weeks ago the 4 miles started as a walk. Then it became a walk/jog and now it is a jog/walk. I am now jogging all of the flat and downhill sections and only walking when the going is up hill. Yesterday I added a little more jogging, yet, on a section that is barely up hill. Unfortunately, after spending all afternoon working in the garage and then jogging most of 4 miles, I could barely move for the rest of the evening. This morning when my alarm went off at 4:30 signaling the hour for my morning exercise, all I could do was show up. But show up, I did. I got out of bed, put on my shoes and walked 3 miles. I figure if all I can do is walk, walking is better than nothing, as at least it keeps me in the routine. I plan on walking another three or four miles this evening, after dinner. Jack just said he'd go with me. That'll be nice. :)

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