Thursday, December 13, 2012

12/13/12: Nothing New

Morning Weight:  157.4
This Morning's Exercise: None, Day Off!!
Yesterday Evening's Activity:  Bowling.
Yesterday's Calories: 1675
Vitamins:  1-A-Day, D, B-Complex, Calcium, Glucosamine

After yesterday's long blog post I don't have anything new to say today, other than that I am continuing to adjust to the idea of letting my focus on weight loss go at year end, whether I have made it to 150 by then or not.  I'll maintain my chart until January 28th, regardless of what happens.  Someday that chart is going to help someone besides me, I'm pretty sure of that, and I want it to be complete.

Just 12 more days and Christmas will come and go, yet again.  One more Christmas season behind us and a brand new year stretched out before us.  I enjoy reflecting on the year past and planning for the year to come on New Year's day.  It'll be here before we know it.

I've lost a little weight the last couple of days.  I know why, too.  It's because I cooked on Sunday and I have been eating my own food.  That certainly is a reminder of how important it is to prepare my own meals.  That needs to be part of my weekly routine and healthy habits.  No matter how good my choices are when I eat at a restaurant, nothing compares to the healthiness of my own cooking.  I will cook again this Sunday for next week.


  1. The chart will make a great cover for your book -- an edited compilation of this blog! I do believe you have a sister-in-law who is an editor...

    1. I like that idea...I'd already decided that as soon as it was complete I am going to take it to Kinko's to get an electronic copy professionally made so it can be reproduced. It would make an awesome book cover!!
