Saturday, December 29, 2012

12/29/12: Travel = Water Weight, Again

Morning Weight:  154.4
This Morning's Exercise: Strength Training later today
Yesterday's Exercise:  5.5 miles in 60 minutes on the treadmill
Yesterday's Calories: Approximately 1500
Vitamins:  1-A-Day, D, B-Complex, Calcium, Glucosamine

I am very bloated this morning.  I can feel it in my face, hands and feet.  I hate the way it feels, I'm all puffy and my skin feels stretched.  I believe it is a combination of food and flying.  Yesterday's calories were fine.  I ate a veggie omelet for breakfast and a (large) turkey wrap for lunch.  I ate dinner at the airport so I had a Luna Bar and some smoked almonds.  But for two days I ate at diners and I know there was a ton of salt and who knows what else in the food.  I am glad to be home where I have complete control over all of the food I put in my mouth.  I am glad I don't mark my chart until Monday.  The plan is for this two pounds to be gone by then.

I did notice something interesting about the exercise yesterday.  When I woke up in the morning I did not want to go down to the hotel fitness room and work out.  I was tired and I wanted to stay in bed.  But I got up and went downstairs.  The first 15 minutes on the treadmill were hard.  I didn't want to be there, my body was resisting the movement, and I had to force myself to keep going.  I said to myself, "OK, just do this for half an hour, at least that's something."  When that half hour was up, I felt OK so I said, "I can do another 15 minutes, this is fine."  So I stayed on the treadmill for 15 more minutes.  By the time 45 minutes had gone by, it was getting easy and it was a no-brainer to stay on the treadmill for the rest of the hour.  The last 15 minutes were by far the easiest and it felt like I could easily run another 30 minutes at that pace.  By the time I was 40 minutes into my run yesterday, it was simply a matter of clicking off the minutes.  I need to remember that the first 15 minutes are the hardest.  Don't give up, just push through and it will get easier!

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