Sunday, June 19, 2016

6/19/16: Flip Side of the Coin

Temporary Weight:  154.4

When I am on program, working out, getting plenty of sleep, drinking plenty of water, and keeping the stress level just about right; I lose weight somewhat consistently.  The flip side of that coin, when I don't do any of those things?  I see a bigger number on the scale the next morning.

I started the day with good intentions.  We had our company family picnic on Saturday and I am the senior member on the fun committee, so I was very involved in pulling this event off, successfully.  I was up late baking cookies, got up at 4:00AM so I could have a healthy breakfast and make a huge bowl of fruit salad, and I was out the door before 7:00.

We met at work, loaded everything into the vehicles and headed to the park.  This year for the picnic we decided to do a carnival theme.  We made 13 games that everyone could play for tickets, and we set up a general store where the kids could "buy" stuff.  We also had a raffle for all of us big kids.  It was hectic.  We hustled all morning long, it got hot, people started showing up, and the games began.

The turnout was good and everyone had a great time, but it was like herding cats.  I was busy constantly.  Finally, it was time for lunch and everyone was eating wonderful food, happy and content.  I packed my own lunch but by then it was 2 hours after when I normally eat and my cooler was stuck under a table where a bunch of people were sitting.  I ended up making a decent plate of "near program" food of BBQ turkey, homemade potato salad, a few baked beans, and fruit salad.  Lunch was fine.  Not exactly on program, but not too far off program.  Not a big deal.  I didn't touch the desserts, and there was plenty of them.

After lunch we did the pinata, opened the general store, and had the raffle.  Then it was 2:00, time to pack up and head home.

We got home at about 3:30.  I had been on my feet all day, running the show.  I ate lunch two hours late, I did not drink enough water, I was stressed (in a good way), and it was very hot.  By the time we got home I was exhausted and dehydrated, and my blood sugars were probably all out of whack from eating lunch so late.  I think the key issue here was the dehydration.  I think that threw off my balance as much as anything.  After a quick shower I drank a couple of glasses of water and ate my dinner, hoping to stave off any real cravings as I could already tell them my resolve to stay on plan was fading fast.  It didn't work.  As I sat in my recliner relaxing prior to getting ready to go to a Royals game last night (it was a busy day!), I decided to have a glass of wine and a few squares of dark chocolate.  Not the end of the world, but certainly not on program.  Yes, I enjoyed them and didn't even feel guilty about it, well, not very guilty.  Then we went to the ball park.  Half way there we realized we were an hour early, which was fine, but we had time to kill.  It was still hot, which I don't really mind, but I was also completely off balance with my food and water.  I craved ice cream.  I ate ice cream.  *Sigh*  And that was that.

I got on the scale this morning knowing that the off program foods would make me heavier.  I know I did not gain 1.4 pounds of fat from eating those foods.  I know that I poisoned myself slightly with sugar and alcohol and that caused systemic inflammation (water weight gain).  I know that I need to slam myself back on program (Done!) and then the inflammation will subside and the weight will be gone.  That weight gain is a reminder of why it is so important to stay on program almost all the time.  My body is happier when I take good care of it, which makes me happier.

Today will be rushed, too.  I slept late because we didn't get home until late and Lauren will be here for my personal training session in about an hour.  We have kickball from 11:00 to 2:00 (I'm still not playing but I go anyway, to cheer and watch).  This afternoon will be a little more mellow, but we need to get some housekeeping done because we leave for San Diego on Thursday to see our new grandbaby.  I still need to pay the bills and balance the checkbook.  Yes, it'll be a busy day.  But, I'm back on program.  No worries.  It's all good.  I'm fine.  I just hit a little bump on the road.

Have a great day.  Don't forget to call your dad!  It's Father's Day!!

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