Saturday, June 4, 2016

6/4/2016: Operation ReStart: Week 4 Results

Weight:  154.8

Good Morning!!  It's time for Operation ReStart Week 4 Results!!!  They are presented below!

Before getting into the details, here are my observations over the last 4 (OK, seven) weeks and thoughts about my results, to-date.

First, I feel amazing!  I know it's getting old to hear me talk about it,  but ever since I have been able to start lifting weights again, I have felt so much happier.  I love the way my body responds to strength training.  I get stronger so quickly, and I have so much more energy and bounce to my step. Maybe three hours a week invested in lifting weights sounds like a lot, but it is so transformative. Not just in the way I look, but in the way I feel.

I am glad I decided to restart my challenge after I had to take a three week break in exercise due to my touch-up surgery and Sister Sister's funeral.  I wanted recorded results of the improvement I would see with 12 weeks of regular exercise, not 9 weeks of regular exercise.  It still feels weird to me to record 4 week results 7 weeks after I started, but it was the right thing for me to do.

As a quick reminder, On Program (I'm talking food, now) means sticking to the Whole 30 program. The book, It Starts With Food, spells out the details of this program, including why they make the recommendations they make.  Some people find this program very restrictive, I find the program incredibly easy to follow, to the point that Jack and I have adopted the Whole 30 program as our normal way of eating.  When I am 100% on program, as I am now, I don't deviate from the Whole 30 program at all.  When I am not 100% on program, our meals are still Whole 30 compliant, but we might go out to eat now and then, I may have a glass of wine occasionally, or I might indulge at a party.

In a nutshell, the authors of the Whole 30 program believe that all food is either good for you or bad for you, there is no such thing as a net-neutral food.  Therefore, the program eliminates all food that:  1) is potentially addictive, 2) can cause unhealthy hormone responses [i.e. insulin response], 3) might mess with your gut, or 4) potentially causes systemic inflammation.  The foods that are eliminated by the program are:  All Added Sugars, natural (i.e. cane sugar, honey, maple syrup) or otherwise (artificial sweeteners are a big NO); All Grains and Legumes - except when you eat the entire pod, such as green beans and snow peas (eliminated items are wheat, rice, barley, black beans, kidney beans, chick peas, etc.); All Dairy - except clarified butter; and Seed Oils (soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, etc.).  "What's left?" you might ask.  The answer is straight forward:  Fish, beef, poultry, pork, wild game, all vegetables (including potatoes of any kind), all fruit, most nuts, and healthy fats (olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, clarified butter, and, believe it or not, lard and tallow).  I've put together an extensive recipe collection of foods that fit in the program and we enjoy them all.  If you want my recipe book, let me know.  I will email it to you.

All in all, I am very pleased by my Week 4 results, if a little surprised.  I made a lot more progress toward a few of my goals than I thought I would, and I made no progress on others.  It will be interesting to see what happens as a result of the remaining 8 weeks.  I think in some instances I misjudged my goals.  In others, I'll see more results as I move further into the program.  The pictures speak for themselves.  First, the photographic evidence - what a difference a few pounds and 4 weeks of weight lifting makes:

You can see it in the photos, most of the change has occurred in my waist and my hips so the following measurements shouldn't be much of a surprise.  I was surprised, anyway.  There was no or very little change in my chest (taken right below my bra strap), bicep, or thigh measurements, but my waist measured 2 3/4" smaller and my hips measured 1 1/2" smaller.  I had my measurement results before I had the photographic results because I had to wait for my photographer to get out of bed. Jack just took the photos and I just pasted together the 4 week results and even I am stunned by the difference 4 weeks makes.  This is so encouraging!!  I can't wait to see Week 8 and Week 12 results. I can't wait to show these photos to my trainer!  She'll be thrilled!  I am pleased as punch that I decided to document this journey so thoroughly.  If I was losing any motivation at all to stick to program, I just got it back, plus some!!  Wow, wow, wow!!  Yes, it is worth it!

Here are the much anticipated Week 4 Results:

Start Date:  4/16/2016
Re-Start Date:  5/7/2016
Today's Date (End of Week 4):  6/4/2016
End Date:  7/30/2016

Start: 163.4 lbs
Today:  154.8 lbs
Change:  - 8.6 lbs
Goal: 150 lbs 

Distance I Can Jog Before I Have to Slow to Walk
Start: 1.25 Miles
Today:  2.0 Miles
Change:  + 0.75 Miles
Goal:  3.0 Miles 

# of Push-ups to Fail
Start:  6
Today:  15
Change: + 9
Goal:  20

Bent-Arm-Hang to Fail
Start::  0 Sec
Today:  0 Sec
Change:  0 Sec
Goal:  5 Seconds

Right Bicep
Start:  13 ½”
Today:  13 ½"
Change:  0"
Goal:  12”

Circumference Right Under Bra
Start:  34 ½”
Today:  34 ½"
Change:  0"
Goal:  32 ½”

Circumference at Belly Button
Start:  34 ¼”
Today:  31 ½"
Change: - 2 ¾"
Goal:  32 ¼

Circumference at Top of Hip Bone
Start:  39 ¼”
Today:  37 ¾"
Change: - 1 ½"
Goal:  36 ¼”

Right Thigh 9 Inches Above Knee
Start:  21 ½”
Today:  21 ¼"
Change: - ¼"
Goal:  23”

Original Plan:
During my 12 Week Challenge I will:
  • Exercise 6 days a week - I have averaged about 5 days a week
  • Eat On Program (including abstaining from all sugar and alcohol) - Yes!  I've been 100% On Program!
  • Weigh myself and record my weight, daily - Easy Peasy.  I do this all the time anyway.
  • Update my blog posts regularly - Yes!  I've been good about this.  Thanks for reading!  The blog really helps!
  • Measure my progress towards the goals listed above every 4 weeks. - Yes!  First goal update, today!!
So, all in all, I have done a pretty good job sticking to my 12 Week Challenge plan and I have good results to show for it.  There is no question about whether or not I am going to stick to plan for the remaining 8 weeks.  Who wouldn't, when they can see results like these after just 4 weeks!!  Yeah!!

It's time to make breakfast for my photographer and biggest fan.  Have a great day!!


  1. Great work my friend! That's quite a difference for 4 weeks...impressive! I'm proud of you!
    I'd love to see some of your recipes. I'm a picky eater and don't cook normally but I know I need to start. Would you send me some Thanks! Debra

    1. Debra, Thank you!! Even I am impressed with my results. :) I will send you my recipe book, today. Let me know what you try first!
