Wednesday, August 10, 2016

8/10/2016: Way too Busy

Weight:  153.0

I've been way too busy since we've been home.  I worked very late Monday evening, went back to work early on Tuesday, and then went to a ballgame with Jackie last night.  I'm not getting enough sleep and that is impacting my food choices and my ability to exercise.  I am going to try to right the ship today, work a reasonable day, and come home and get some chores done.  I need to mow the lawn, since Jackie can't push the lawn mower for the rest of the summer.  If I get the lawn mowed tonight, that will be a fair amount of cardio and resistance training.  I think it will count towards my exercise for the day!

Speaking of Jack and his arm, he is recovering well.  The splint came off and the stitches came out on Monday.  It's always a relief when the surgeon comes in, takes one look at the results, smiles, and say, "Wow, this is looking great!"  The prognosis for Jack's arm is for a full recovery.  He can't push, pull or lift with that arm, at all, for 4 more weeks.  In four weeks he goes in for a follow up appointment and will probably get released for light duty with that arm.  After six more weeks (3 months after surgery) he can begin lifting light weights.  It will take a full six months for him to be able to lift heavier weights and participate in sports like bowling.  The bone and tendon need that much time to heal around either end of the anchor.  Jack is relieved because he can already tell that he has more function in the arm than he did before the repair of the ruptured tendon, it's just going to be a matter of time and patience before he is 100% again.

Speaking of surgeries, my personal trainer had surgery on her hip bone on Monday, so I will be flying solo for at least a couple of weeks.  This is fine as I have plenty of workouts to choose from, but I wish her a speedy and complete recovery! I look forward to being able to work with her again, soon.

Today, my diet goes back to 100% on program. Yesterday I noticed myself having a lot of cravings. This was partly (or largely) because I forgot to pack my lunch and dinner and I had to go out to lunch and wait until I got home to eat dinner.  This threw off my entire schedule.  I am looking forward to reestablishing my routine that works so well for me.  Breakfast at 4:30, before my workout, lunch between 10:30 and 11:00, and dinner at about 4:00, before I head home for the day.  I won't forget my meals again.

This weekend I am going to begin training for next fall's half marathon.  I still have a goal to be able to do a pull-up by the end of the year.  My goal is and always will be to weigh 150 pounds, to be physically strong, and to be very active.  This will require diligence with my diet, regular strength training sessions, and running a few times a week.  As I transition from my challenge to a day-in-day-out routine, I will have to explore different strategies to stay the course.

Have a fun day, today.


  1. Vacations are hard on fitness plans. Good to be back.
